Chapter 31

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I came through the door overwhelmed with emotions... Uncle Alexander refused to go home. He was hell-bent on bashing Zayn's head in. We drove Tori and Toddie home and needless to say they were shattered. All of us were... Joey was more than a cousin to me. He was my little brother and best friend.

No one dared to ask Uncle about Joey... I sent a mind-link to them not to ask any questions. Uncle just looked lost and stared at the wall. Joey was his pride and joy. Toddie and I would get jealous at times because how much he was doted on. We weren't mad because Uncle and Auntie almost lost him when he was a baby. My thoughts were leading to Mitch. I always imagined him carrying my babies, rubbing on his round belly and just growing old together. I feel so guilty because the last memory I have was me shouting at him. He was keeping something from me and I didn't know why. Now he was in the hands of this psycho and I'm about to move heaven and hell to get my mate back. The pain and suffering he caused my family will be nothing like the wrath I have in stored for him.

We all sat at the table in silence. Kevin, Katrina, and Avi were finding ways for hours and trying to create strategies of getting into the castle and from the looks on their faces, the situation was looking not good.
"Do we have a way in yet?"
"No Alpha... We looked every possible way to get into the castle but no success..." Avi said solemnly.
"Father built this place like Fort Knox... There's no way in without being undetected. I'm sorry brother for not being much help..." I went over to Kat and gave her a hug.
"It's ok... We'll find a way..."
"This is frustrating!!!" Kevin screamed... Katrina went over to her mate to console him. Watching them made me miss Mitch even more. I slammed my hands on the table and swiped the papers onto the floor. I felt helpless and I couldn't hold it anymore. I needed my life-line back.
"MITCH!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Everyone just stood around not coming near me in fear of me attacking them again. Avi was the first to speak.
"We'll get him back Alpha..."
"If it means losing our lives, we will for you sir..." Kevin said with pride.
"No one is going to die on my watch..." I got up slowly and picked up the papers that I pushed to the floor and started looking over them to see I can see something they missed. All of sudden I felt my uncle's presence next to me.
"Katrina... Does your father still have the torture cells?" She gave him a confused look.
"Torture cells??? That piece of shit..." Muttering that last part to herself.
"Yes... We had them made to hold renegade wolves or vampires. Needless to say that was your father's past time and he relished in making the prisoners suffer..." My heart dropped because I can only imagine what my mate was going through. I feel myself changing and Uncle placed his hand on my shoulder to me calm down.
He grabbed the blueprints and looked at them carefully. After looking for several minutes, he placed his fingers on a spot near what looks like an old filtering system.
"There... What is this sitting above it?" Katrina moved over to look at what my uncle was pointing at.
"The Council Room..." I can see the wheels turning in Uncle Alexander's head.
"I remember now... There's a secret spiral stair case behind where the head Elders would sit. After we passed judgement on the criminal, we would send them torture cells. From the looks of the blueprints..." We all gathered around the table to get a better look... "There should be an aqueduct system along here somewhere... We need a diversion so Scott, Avi, Kevin, and I can get in there and get Mitch... How many guards are around the palace?"
"Scott don't... He has caused all of us enough grief and I will happily rip his head off to be granted some type of peace... I should've put that bastard out of commission when he killed your mother but the other Elders decided against it."
"Wait... You knew???"
"By the time I found out about the plot, I couldn't inform your father in time to save her..." I just nodded my head.
"I know what we could do..." Katrina stated. We all turned to her. "We can fake Kevin's death..." Of course, he took a double-take...
"Say what now??" Avi and I looked at him and then to Kat.
"Father doesn't know about us and he still thinks that I'm going to kill you for him. I can bring your "body" to him... He will be so busy gloating and reveling in the fact that the deed is done, that will give the others enough time to get in find Mitch and kill my father..." Kat gritted her teeth at her final words. Kevin came over to hold her.
"Are you sure about this Kat?? He is your father..."
"That son of a bitch stopped being my father when he forced me to kill the only person who gave a damn about me!!!" She broke down as Kevin held on to her tightly.
"So how do we "kill" Kevin???" Avi said a little bit too enthusiastically and winked at Kevin who gave him a cut throating glare.
"It's a long shot but we can give him something to slow his heartbeat down to appear that he's "dead". I can pretend that I'm going to dispose of the body but I will give him another shot to have him come to. The only thing with this plan is that it has to be precise, or Kevin will die."
"Well there's always a downside..." Kevin said as he rolled his eyes...
"We have no time to waste then... Scott we'll probably going to need Jeremy's assistance on this..." Uncle Alexander suggested. I called one of the pack members to get Jeremy for me.
"Kev, how do you feel?? If you have any hesitation about going into this, we will find another way in..."
"YOLO right??? In all seriousness... I pledge my life to you Alpha and that has not changed. Let's go get Mitch!!" As I went to hug him, I collapsed to the floor clutching my throat.
"SCOTT!!!" Everyone was screaming... I was thrashing about while Kevin and Avi were holding me down. As Jeremy entered the room, he rushed to my side and tried to help me get my throat open...
"HOW THE FUCK SHOULD WE KNOW!!?!??!!" He was about to cut a hole in my throat when the pain suddenly stopped. I was finally able to breathe after gasping huge gulps of air and coughing.
"Scott what the fuck just happened?!?!??" Avi yelled...
"It's Mitch... That Motherfucker is torturing Mitch!!!" I was finally able to get out once my breathing got under control.
"We're running out of time... Mitch will be dead if he doesn't comply with my father's demands..." Kat stated bluntly.
"Someone fill Jeremy in on what we need done while I prepare for arrangements to get Mitch..."

Hold on baby... I'm coming...

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