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   Unity and equality are essential to their planet and for their survival. Which is why Sophie takes her job very seriously. It's almost been a year on their new planet and her queen is about to give birth.

Ana asked if Sophie would step into the political roles for her while she births her son (even though Ana still thinks she's wrong.) Sophie was relieved when Joan asked if she could do it instead when she noticed how uncomfortable she looked at the idea.

Sophie wanted to stay hidden in the background. She wants to keep things moving from the shadows; which makes her the perfect general. It was decided that Joan would take over political matters such as paper work and speeches. Sophie would continue teaching their warriors and handle disputes/inter-planet relations.

Sophie is currently crouched on top of one of the skyscrapers in their capitol. She was watching a foreign diplomat who had been accused of raping five alien citizens of Vruz. If the allegation proved true, she would kill him.

The orange alien exited his hotel building with a smirk on his face. He wore an expensive suit and had four eyes that resembled human eyes except his had a ring of bright green around the iris'. He praised the women walking by him on the sidewalk by catcalling them.

Sophie would enjoy slicing his head off. She knew he hurt those women. From his actions and from his eyes. He was evil, and they had let him in to prey upon their women. He started walking down an alleyway after a petite blue woman.

The woman was trying to get to her vehicle that she had chained to a pipe to keep it from being taken. When she noticed her follower she sped up. The little woman started breathing heavily as he got closer.

You could tell she was nervous and uncomfortable; the poor creature obviously had been in this type of situation before. The little woman hastily tried to release the lock on her vehicle but it was too late, the man had already grabbed her from behind.

The piece of trash was trying to rip her pants off when Sophie descended down on him. Her legs landing on his shoulders as she wraps one arm around his uplifted hand and her other hand holding a dagger to his throat.

He scoffs and tries to move but Sophie holds on to him and pushes the knife ever so slowly into the flesh of his neck. He starts to scream and shake but then he stops moving. The little blue woman was crying and thanked her profusely before running out of the alley, forgetting her vehicle.

"What is this!" The male hisses.

Sophie grunts as she thrusts herself backwards taking him down with her. She lands softly on the palms of her hands but the force of her movement causes his head to smack the hard ground.

A green sticky substance starts to ooze from his head. Must be blood Sophie thought but couldn't find it in her to care.

"Little bitch!" He hissed and springs towards her but she dodges and he smacks into the stone building. The crunch and scream that followed told Sophie he had broken his nose.

"Cormier magdelio 365, you have broken the queens sacred law and endangered your country's reputation as a diplomat. Therefore they have dropped your diplomatic immunity and you shall face the queens punishment."

His eyes widen in shock as green blood oozes from his nose.

"I hereby pass down the sentence of death onto you, approved by the queen and council as an appropriate punishment for your crimes which include but are not limited to the following: five counts of rape, assault, attempted rape, disruptive behavior in foreign lands, and murder."

She smirks as he tries to crawl away from her and plead his case. She launches herself at him before he can speak and slices his head clean off with two sharp movements with her dagger.

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