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I shuddered at her words, the sudden change of energy in the air sending the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end.

"Stay alert." he spoke, his eyes fixed on the door.

"Liam." i spoke with more fear and urgency in my tone, "Scott's out there."

"I know."

"He could be in trouble." i spoke again.

"I know!" he snapped, rubbing his forehead. "Sorry, i just- you and Hayden are my top priority right now, okay?"

I hesitantly nodded, accepting the fact that we had to put Hayden before Scott. She deserved to live as much as we did, there was no denying that. She was human, for the most part. She was just as human as i was, just as vulnerable. We were her only hope, if either of us went down then so did she.

"Liam what do we do?" Hayden spoke up, and i found myself closing my eyes, almost in preparation of the events to come.

"We fight." he said with a breath, and i almost believed him, had i not been able to feel the hesitancy he had.

The static became increasingly louder, until it was inside the locker room with us. I snuck up behind one of them, throwing myself onto their back, my hands on each side of his mask. I pulled, feeling almost a suction like tension beneath.

He leant forwards, throwing me off of his back with a thud. I quickly jump to my feet, throwing my foot into his chest with as much power as i could muster. He stumbled backwards a little, his strength showing in his ability to balance after my attack.

I used this to swipe one of his legs from under him, sending his back to make contact with the ground.

"What do you want?!" I yelled at him, my foot pushing down on his chest. His head tilts, seemingly curious as a cut opens miraculously on my head, a few drops of blood falling down the side of my face.

I'm quickly distracted by the newfound pain in my temple, giving him the advantage, and then i'm hit in the back of the head by something metallic. It sent me flying sideways into a locker, and into the arms of the darkness enveloping me.


I awoke with a ruthless, unwavering pain in my right forearm. It was as if fire were being pumped through my very veins, causing shrill shrieks to leave my lips as i sprung up on the cool surface. Hands immediately pushed me back down into a laying position as i squirmed in pain.

"Hold her still!" Scott yelled over the noise, hands immediately gripping all sides of my bodies, "You've got to stay still!" he urged, although he knew it impossible, for if i were in this much pain with no wound then it was Liam who was injured.

My screaming died down for a little as i settled for grunts and screwed up eyes, words trying to leave my throat, but struggling nonetheless. The hands slowly left my body, allowing me to move freely.

"Liam?" i managed, looking warily to Scott, brows furrowed as his face softened. He was readying to spill the news but i wouldn't have it. I rapidly shook my head, repeating a phrase to myself. "He's okay." i whispered, although the whole room could hear it.

"We don't know where he is. They took both of them." Lydia spoke, her voice wavering as if she were crying, or close to tears.

"He's- he's scared." i managed, my body starting to shake with fear, my hands gripping the cool table.

"Scott where is your mom?" Malia asked, sounding impatient.

"She's wrapping up with the Sheriff and she'll be right here." he confirmed, taking one of my hands off of the metal table and into his own, slightly squeezing.

"Stiles?" i asked, writhing in pain and screwing my eyes shut tightly as a wave of what felt like fire rolled through my body, leaving me weak and fragile.

"We're still waiting on him and Theo to get back."

"Where am i?" I mumbled, a few tears slipping down my cheeks.

"You're at the hospital, in the unused ward." Scott soothed, running a hand across my forehead, collecting the sweat.

"Scott i'm scared." i whispered, my face contorting into one of pain, and suffering.

"I know, I'm scared too." he whispered back, leaning down to kiss my forehead, just as his mother rushed into the ward.

"Okay, now can somebody explain what the hell is going on?!" she exclaimed and although i couldn't see her, i imagined her hands threaded through her hair, her face wrinkled with worry as she spoke to the group.

"The dread doctors, they took Hayden and Liam. We don't know where or why, but we know from the state that Adelaide is in, it's not good." Scott said, and i proved his point with a whimper as an extra ounce of pain threaded through me. It was as if there was something embedded in my arm, and it was being slowly dragged out.

Only then did i realise the hole in my arm, as i lifted it to my face. It was crimson with blood, but almost black with something else. The painful pressure continued as Melissa poked her worried face into my eyesight, examining my arm while the others returned their hands to held me down on the table as i begun to squirm again.

And then as if it had been removed from my arm, a short sense of tranquility shot through me, it was calm and the pain had been mostly removed.

That was until the peace was no more and all i could feel was a sort of acid pouring out of my arm. I looked down, and sure enough there was a black liquid flowing out of the wound.

"Make it stop! Please make it stop!" i cried out, screaming in pain. But even through all of that, all i could think of was him. Even through all of that i remembered the way for direct contact, even when we were miles away, I reached up to my collar bone with my left hand.

I remembered how the last time i touched it, Liam had described exactly what I had done and the way I'd touched it. So, through all of the pain, i simply laid my palm flat against it. I didn't receive an immediate response, until i felt the joy that he did, the love.

And through all of the pain, i smiled. I smiled because i knew it had worked and I smiled because the boy i loved, loved me the same.

"Addie open your eyes." Scott urged me, and it was then that i realised they were closed.

"I need to help." i said, trying to sit up, but being pushed back down again.

"Addie, if you want him to get better then we need you to get better. You need to stay here with Melissa, get patched up so that you can help Liam." Scott spoke sternly, he wasn't taking no for an answer. Reluctantly, i nodded.
Worry spread across my features as Melissa cleaned the wound.

I'm human | Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now