Chapter 3 - Don't Open The Wounds / Skywide Armspread

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Hold your head up high and revel in the moment you feared would never come
To be standing skywide armspread on a mountain again

Hold your head up high, again, and revel in the feeling you feared would never return, to be
I'm on a mountain again! "

'Don't Open the Wounds/Skywide Armspread' -  Woods of Ypres


Emily hopped off the bus and walked down the street ready to start her late shift for the day at The Bay coffee shop. All in all she was in a great mood today.

Last night had been amazing. Jason had been the perfect gentleman to her. He had cooked her favourite meal Spaghetti Bolognese along with buying her favourite Italian red wine and bringing her a bunch of red roses. To top things off they had gone to bed and had the most amazing sex ever. She couldn't remember the last time they had had sex so intensely passionate like that and it had once again reignited the reason to her as to why she loved Jason.

She pushed open the door to the coffee shop, the aroma of coffee flooding her nostrils instantly and heard her phone ping, she pulled it out of her handbag and opened it.

'1 message- Jason'

She opened it up and read his message.

"I can't stop thinking about last night. 😉

Have a great afternoon at work gorgeous, I miss you already.

I love you.

Xxxxxxx "

Emily smiled to herself and replied.

"Last night was amazing. Thank you for everything.

I love you too.


She switched her phone to silent and put it back in her handbag before walking out the back to the Staff Room and dumping her bag and coat in her locker picking up her apron and tying it around her waist then making her way out to the front of the shop. Kali was there finishing up with serving a customer.

"Afternoon Babe. You look happy." Kali smiled at her.

"I am."

Kali turned around to face her, untying her apron to take it off.

"Did someone get lucky last night by any chance?" She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows at Emily.

Emily blushed.

"They did!!" Kali laughed. "Girl! We need to meet up sometime for that long awaiting drink. It's been forever, we have so much to catch up on outside of work."

"Mmmmhmmm. We do." Emily replied vaguely, wondering how on earth she could persuade Jason to let her do that.

"Oh. Before I go. That guy came in again today?"

"Which guy?" Emily questioned Kali with a puzzled look on her face, unwrapping a new pack of napkins. "There were many guys who came in yesterday." She turned and stacked up the dishwasher with more dirty plates and mugs.

"The tall, British one with blue eyes who was eye-fucking you yesterday from his table." Kali grinned at her. "I saw him staring at you when I arrived."

"Oh." Emily tried not to blush. She could feel her heartbeat increasing. Why it felt the need to when Kali had mentioned him, she didn't know.

"He asked about you."

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