Chapter 19 - If You're Not The One

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" I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with. "

'If You're Not The One' - Daniel Beddingfield


**15 Minutes Later**

Emily and James were in the cab travelling back to her Penthouse.

"What on earth happened in the bathroom?" James asked Emily, concerned as he came and got into the cab next to her. "I was getting really worried about you."

"I'm sorry. Long story short. It turns out Jason was here too."

James groaned and rolled his eyes. "That guy is like a bad smell. I swear to god."

"He was with another girl, younger than me. Anyway, I may or may not have 'accidently' knocked red wine all down the front of his shirt. Made me feel better anyway." She smirked at James.

James chuckled. "Babe!" He lent in and cupped the back of her neck with a hand, pulling her face closer to his, leaning in to tuck some hair behind her ear and whispered. "You need to be punished for being naughty."

"Oh yeah? How do you plan to do that?" Emily teased him. She slid a hand across his lap to his crotch and started to palm him through the fabric of his trousers. Shifting her body to lean into him she started to kiss up his neck. As she did, she slowly moved her hand from his crotch to the waistband of his trousers and managed to slide her hand down and inside his boxers.

He hissed into her neck as he felt her take a hold of his already semi-erect member and run her fingers up and down it. "Fuck you're a bad girl." He groaned quietly in her ear.

Emily felt him move one hand down around to the back of her and grab her ass cheek through her dress as she leant into him.

"You better be wearing something incredible under that dress." He told her quietly.

Emily laughed. "Maaaybe I am"

James groaned at her response.

The cab suddenly came to a stop outside Emily's new apartment complex.

"Just here good for you?" The driver asked them.

"Oh. Erm...yeah, here is great thanks."

James readjusted himself in his trousers before finding his wallet to pay for the ride.

Emily climbed out of the cab and waited for James on the curb. He eventually came to join her and grabbed her hand practically dragging her inside. She greeted the receptionist as James pulled her towards the elevator and pressed the down button impatiently.

"James! What have I told you before? Patience!"

He turned to look at her and said "Fuck that! I have a raging boner right now that seriously needs seeing to."

The elevator pinged to announce its arrival and the doors slid open. James dragged Emily inside of it and smashed the button to the 54th floor on the panel behind himself, before pushing Emily up against the back wall of the lift and started attacking her neck with his mouth.

"God, I love you." He mumbled against it.

Emily laughed. "Well, I love you too."

The lift pinged to signify that they had reached her floor. James left Emily alone long enough for her to find the key card to her penthouse and she managed to open the door.

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