Chapter 28 - When You're Gone

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" We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah, yeah
And all I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do, I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to feel you here with me, yeah. "

'When You're Gone' - Avril Lavigne


Emily left Jess's room and made her way up to her own hotel room shooting Shannon a quick message saying:

"I'm going to tell James now."

She didn't have to wait long for a reply.

"Ok. I'm just heading back to my home. Call me if you need anything. I'm sorry X"

She shoved her phone back in her trouser pocket and fished around for her key card and swiped the reader, as she clicked the door open she heard some very suggestive moaning noises coming from the room.

"Oh my god. Fuck. Yes!"

"James?" She called out. There was no reply, but then she suddenly heard:

"I want you to fuck me, Shannon."

Creeping into the room, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her, James was listening to the audio that had been leaked of her and Shannon fucking last night. Someone must have sent it to him.

She rounded the corner to the bedroom and saw him hunched over his phone, replaying the audio again.

"James, stop." She whispered to him coming to stand before him.

"Do you know what it's like to hear the woman you love screaming out another guy's name?" He asked her coldly, looking up and narrowing his eyes at her.

She chewed her lip. "I-I'm sorry. I know that probably means nothing to you. I-I was coming to tell you right now. I don't expect you to forgive me or take me back so I'm leaving. I'm going back to Anchorage. I-it wasn't planned, but I-I did want it I'll admit that. I was confused, I know that's no excuse we're both adults and could have stopped things at any point. I do love you James, despite my actions. I-I understand if you never want to see me again. Please don't listen to that recording again."

She made to move around him and picked up her suitcase, placing it on the bed, picking up some of her clothes and the oversized t-shirt she had worn to bed last night.

"I-I just...why? Why him Emily?"

She picked up her make up bag from the table and started packing it. Swallowing slowly. "I don't know. I-I can only say...because he was there. My head was all over the place after you asked me to marry you. He was worried about me and caught up with me at the taxi rank near the venue. Those photos that were also leaked. He wasn't kissing me in that taxi, he was wiping tears from my face. I-I just wanted to be comforted, I guess. I don't know I can't give you a reason."

"So what? You accidently slipped and landed on his dick?"

Emily glared at him. "I'm not even going to answer that, James. Don't be a prick."

"A-are you even attracted to him? I know he's better looking than me, so I can't really blame you for going there"

"James! Just stop! I don't know if I'm attracted to him! I guess I am." She shrugged "I just-I don't know alright James." She starting to cry whilst throwing make up into her makeup bag. "I know I've fucked up. And I know I can never make things right. I appreciate everything you've ever done for me. I've never taken advantage of you for fame or money. I-I...I'm sorry. That's all I can say." She turned to look at him, mascara streaming down her face.

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