Chapter 10 - Elysium

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" And in the harbor she sleeps on her anchor waiting direction.
Then through the storms we align life and search forever after.
So we gather our way to answer all of our failures, with hope and redemption.
Rest inside the flames. "

'Elysium' - 36 Crazyfists


Later that evening Emily and James arrived back at Inlet Tower Suites. Emily hadn't heard back from Jason yet so she assumed he was OK with what she had messaged him earlier.

She and James walked hand in hand back into the lobby of the hotel, when the receptionist called out to James from behind the desk and they made their way across.

"Mr Arthur, you had a delivery earlier courtesy of a Miss J Campbell. Would you like to collect it now or I can have a porter deliver up to your room?" The receptionist asked James.

"Erm...could you get someone to bring it up to my room in about 10 minutes please."

"Well do."

"Thank you." He smiled at her.

James and Emily made their ways over to the elevator and pressed the button to call it down. When it eventually arrived and the doors opened, they quickly realised they were the only two in it. James set his rucksack down at his feet, and moved to push Emily up against the corner of the elevator trapping her there with his body.

"What's got into you?" Emily questioned grinning up at him.

"Oh. Nothing." James replied leaning down to firmly place his lips on hers to claim them, his hands moving down to roam over the sides of her body, feeling every inch and remembering it from the way he had mapped it out earlier on.

He pressed a knee in between her legs causing her to part them and he quickly slid his body in the gap pressing it even closer to Emily. She could feel his heart beating through his shirt as it travelled through into hers.

She suddenly felt his featherlight touch on the around her waist between the top of her jeans and the bottom of her shirt. As he ran them gently over the strip of skin there, she could feel them leaving a trail of warmth in their wake and sighed into the kiss.

"You're so stunning Emily, You really have no idea what you do to me. He breathed into her ear, rocking his hips into her. Sliding a hand down her body he felt her shiver against him and he grinned at her with hooded eyes. He managed to catch one of her hands with his and brought it forward to place it on his crotch. "You feel that?" He bent his head down to whisper in her ear. He backed her more firmly into the corner of the elevator. "That's for you."

Emily whimpered as she felt his erection rub against her inner thigh, before placing the hand of hers that he had taken and deftly placing her fingers along the length that had formed in his trousers. James lent forward to suppress a groan into her neck.

The elevator dinged to announce their arrival to the 18th floor and the doors slid open. Emily grinned at James and managed to push him away making a run down the corridor to his penthouse suite.

"Hey!" James exclaimed before follow suit, he managed to catch up to her once she reached the front door and tackled her wrapping his arms around her waist thumping them both into it and pinning her against the hard surface.

James managed to grab a hold of both of her hands and moved her arms above her head, pinning them in place with his. He began attacking her neck and throat whilst moving to hold both of her wrist above her head with one hand, whilst he fumbled around in his back pocket for his room card.

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