Chapter 5 - Romantic Dreams

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I promise
To watch and raise your babies
In time, in sync
Tonight the stage is yours
I'm hypnotized by your name
I wish this night would never end. "

'Romantic Dreams' - Deftones


With the pizza ordered, James led Emily through to his bedroom, beer in hand and Emily, a glass of red in hers. His TV was already on and he flopped down on the bed before pulling himself up to sit and rest his head on the headboard, crossing his legs at the ankles. Emily hovered about feeling a little awkward.

"You can come and sit next to me Emily, I won't bite." James grinned at her from his position sitting on the bed.

Emily managed a weak smile before walking over and placing her wine on the nightstand and joining him on the bed.

"Come here." He told her, lifting an arm out to her and she hesitated for a second before scooting over to him. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer into his body, whilst picking up the TV remote and holding it in his lap, thumb poised over the buttons.

"What kind of film would you like to watch?" He turned his head to look down at her.

"I don't mind as long as it's not scary."

"Oh, come on, Horror is the best genre." He grinned, his thumb pressing a button, flicking the TV onto Netflix. "Have you ever seen the Japanese Version of The Grudge?"

"No, I haven't, I haven't even seen the US version, so why would I have seen the Japanese one?" She rolled her eyes.

"Because it's even better." He smirked, managing to find it and putting it on.

"James no! Please!" Emily whined. "Seriously? You have 999 channels to watch and you're putting that on?"

"What!? It's good. I'll even hold your hand through the scary parts."

She raised an eyebrow at him, knowing that he very well knew that would be through the entire film.

"Can't blame me for trying." He shrugged and rolled over slightly to reach for his bottle of beer, taking a sip and replacing it back on his nightstand.

The opening credits rolled.

"You're so dead." Emily mumbled.

"Look. Relax will you and come cuddle up to me." He pulled the duvet covers back a bit and slid down underneath them, Emily did the same and pulled them back over herself before returning to James's side once again. She eventually found herself starting to relax into James, slowly moving an arm up to slide it over his waist as she rested her head on his chest. James had one arm bent up behind the back of his head and was resting his head on it, the other was wrapped around Emily, his hand hanging loosely at her side.

They had got in as far as the part where Kayako starts to crawl down the stairs and appears on the half landing. At this stage in the film Emily was watching through her fingers and let out a shriek as the crawling commenced.

James turned and grinned at her and she quickly picked up a pillow from behind herself and started to hit him over the head with it.

"Fuck you! You dick!" She shouted at him laughing as she thumped him with the pillow.

He put his arms and hands up to try and defend himself from her barrage of reigning blows. The next time the pillow came down to hit him he managed to make a grab for it and caught it snatching it away from her and playfully starting to hit her back.

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