Chapter 32 - Down

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" Oh, I am coming down, down, down
I can't find another way around
And I don't wanna hear the sound
Of losing what I've never found... "

'Down' - Jason Walker


Over the next few days that Emily spent with Shannon, they grew increasingly close and could almost be found joined at the hip going anywhere and doing everything together.

She had finally phoned James back and it had been good to hear his voice again, he was flying back to the UK at the end of the week, but she promised she'd be in touch. He had begged for her to come back, but she couldn't bring herself to go back, especially as she felt guilty talking to him knowing that she was still sleeping with Shannon, so they had decided between them to take a break.

Sleeping with Shannon had become more than a regular occurrence. At first, they had confined things just to Shannon's house, but gradually they hadn't been able to keep their hands off of one another and things became more than risky. Just the day before, they had nearly been caught in Jared's pantry by an unsuspecting and mortified intern, coming to get some ingredients for lunch when they had been over at The Hive per Jared's request for Shannon to come and record some drum tracks for the new Thirty Seconds to Mars album they were working on.

Today they were been round at The Hive again. Emily was sat in the studio with Jared and Emma as Shannon put the finishing touches to his drum parts. Emma had been incredibly nice to her and they had grown quite close despite the short period of time that they had known one another. Jess had also stayed in touch and Emily planned to Skype with her once she arrived back in Anchorage.

Emma had just brought a cup of coffee into the recording studio for Emily as they sat together in the studio. They were talking together quietly so as not to disturb the guys and Jared was busy sat behind the mixing desk with their producer, one foot up on it eating some carrot sticks whilst watching his brother behind his drumkit in the recording booth.

"No!" Jared's voice suddenly boomed through the room as he shouted at his brother, and the carrot sticks went flying, causing everyone to jump. "Shannon. How many times do I have to tell you? You come in on 3 not 1! We changed it. Actually, YOU insisted on changing things. Jesus!" He ran his hands through his hair and thumped his forehead on the desk in exasperation. "Maybe if you stopped eye-fucking Emily at any given chance you'd actually be able to focus on the task in hand." Jared shouted at his older brother.

Emily instantly snapped her gaze away from Emma to Jared and blushed profusely when she heard his outburst. Jared stared back at her with his icy blue eyes. Their eye contact was only broken by Shannon throwing a drumstick down at his drum kit in anger and toppling his drum stool as he stormed out of the booth, flinging the door open with such force it ricocheted off the wall behind leaving a massive dent in it where the door handle had come into contact with the hard surface.

"You know what Jay..." He lobbed the remaining drumstick he had in his hand at his brother who managed to duck just in time to avoid it hitting him square in the forehead, it causing it to clatter and snap as it came into contact with the wall behind Jared. "FUCK. THIS!" He yelled, stomping out of the room.

There was silence for a while whilst everyone took the time to process what had just happened between the two brothers.

"Nice one Jared." Emily sighed deeply, rolling her eyes at him. "Don't worry. I'll go after him." She set her mug of coffee down on the table in front of her and pushed her seat back standing up. She saw Jared shrug at her as she walked out of the room after Shannon.

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