Chapter 31 - Mend You

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" Complicated disarray
Can't escape the silence that's between us
I hear it in your voice
Left without a choice
A distant light, a falling star
Far from where you are. "

'Mend You' - Times of Grace


Shannon awoke to the sound of his phone ringing from somewhere in his room.

"Jesus." He muttered to himself, groaning and reaching for his pillow behind his head, ramming it over his face to block out the sunlight that was streaming through the blinds in his bedroom. Eventually his phone stopped.

He heard a noise and realised it was someone sighing deeply, before he got a flashback to the night before. Lifting the pillow slightly from his face and turning his head to the side he saw Emily sleeping peacefully next to him. He smiled to himself as he watched her for a while, her white blonde hair splayed out on the pillow and her rosebud-shaped lips puckered into a slight pout; she looked beautiful to him even when she was sleeping.

Tossing his pillow onto the floor he then slowly rolled onto his side to face Emily. Again, he watched her for a while, her bare shoulders exposed above the white bed sheet, rising and falling rhythmically with her breathing. James had been so lucky to wake up to this every morning and a streak of guilt flittingly ran through his mind as he realised what he had done yet again, but James hadn't been in touch with Emily since the other day, at least as far as he knew. She hadn't said anything to him at least so he assumed they were taking a break.

Reaching out with a finger, he lightly ran it down her neck from her ear to her collarbone, across her shoulder and the length of her arm reaching her fingers, before trailing it back up again to trace around her lips. He watched as her lips slowly curved upwards into a small smile. He moved his hand down beneath the covers to her ass and grabbed at it.

As he did so, her eyes sleepily opened slightly and he took his chance in moving to roll over on top of her, grasping both of her hands in his own and linking fingers with her positioning her arms up above her head and holding them there, dipping his head to catch her lips with his own and mumbling, "Good Morning Beautiful," against them.

He pulled away to look at her lying beneath himself and her eyes opening, their brilliant greeness boring up into his own clear amber ones.

"Morning." She smiled sleepily, before yawning.

"How did you sleep?" Shannon asked her.

"Really well thanks. I won't ask you how you slept." She ostentatiously gestured downwards with her eyes, feeling his desire clearly poking into her stomach.

"Erm...sorry about that." He dipped his eyes shyly away from her.

"Don't be." Emily whispered to him.

He raised an eyebrow once again looking at her. "In that case-" He whispered back, finding her neck with his mouth and kissing his way around to her ear. "You wont mind me doing this then." He released one of her hands to slide his the length of her body, between the two of them and down between her legs, his fingers finally coming into contact with what he was searching for and parting her gently to slip a finger into her.

She gasped at the feeling of his finger inside of her as it worked a slow and steady rhythm. He looked at her as he worked his magic with his fingers and saw her eyes slowly closing in delight as her hips bucked upwards coming into contact with his own.

Shannon added another finger inside her to join the one that was already there, curling his fingers upwards to find her sweet spot that he knew lay there. Biting his lower lip, he focused all his attention on pleasuring Emily and once he could feel her begin to peak, he removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock; slamming hard into her.

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