Chapter 17 - The Taste of Ink

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And won't you think I'm pretty
When I'm standing top the bright lit city
And I'll take your hand and pick you up
And keep you there to so you can see
As long as you're alive and care
I promise I will take you there
And we'll drink and dance the night away. "

'The Taste of Ink' - The Used


*Next Morning*

Emily rolled over in bed when she felt the warmth of the sun hit her face through a gap in her blinds. She suddenly caught a waft of James's aftershave as it wafted over from the pillow next to her and remembered that he was here and had arrived last night to surprise her.

She pulled herself to sit upright and found that he wasn't there, but the sheet was ruckled and the cover had been thrown back so she knew he had been there and that it definitely wasn't a dream.

Turning her head to her bedside table to find her phone, the scent of coffee graced her senses, she looked down and saw a steaming cup of coffee waiting there for her. A florescent pink post-it note was stuck underneath on the table and she peeled it off the table and read it.

"You look beautiful when you're sleeping.

Maybe one day you can show me how to actually make a good coffee. Sorry it's so bad!

X J X"

Emily smiled to herself when she read the note. She loved the little notes he left for her here and there, she had kept them all. Picking up the steaming cup of coffee, she took a sip. It was warm and wet and that was all she cared about right now.

Swinging her legs round and sliding out of bed, she walked to her en suite and grabbed her black, silk dressing gown from a hook on the back of the door, tying it at the waist.

James's small, black suitcase lay flung open on her bedroom floor and she stepped carefully over it returning to her side table, picking up her coffee and wrapping both hands around it, making her way through into the kitchen.

Once she entered the kitchen she could tell that James had made himself some breakfast, she looked through to the lounge for him, but he wasn't there.

Emily frowned to herself, and then decided to take the stairs and head back up to the rooftop. Sliding the glass door open to the roof, she was instantly hit by fresh air and a bright, blue sky. There was the normal Alaskan chill to the air and the scent of the ocean to top it off.

A faint sound of music floated over to her on the breeze, and she tuned her ears in more closely, trying to work out where it was coming from and what it was, before realising that it was an acoustic guitar. The music would play for a bit, then stop. Then start up for a short while and stop again. After a while the soft sound of a beautiful voice graced her ears.

Turning her head in the direction of the music, she suddenly caught sight of James over in the far corner of the pool area, sitting on one of the sunloungers where they had sat last night having dinner. He was hunched over an acoustic guitar with his back to her wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. She could see that he was pausing to scribble something down every now and then.

Emily made her way round the edge of the pool and quietly walked up behinds him, setting her mug down and leaning to wrap her arms around his waist whispering.

"You have a beautiful voice." Into his ear.

She felt him jump as she did so before turning slightly to shift his body, to face her and smiled.

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