Chapter 22 - Haunted

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" I can't compete with a memory
How can I fight with someone that I can't see?
There's two of us, but it feels like three
I wish her ghost would just let us be
Boy, you're everything I ever wanted
But I gotta let you go, 'cause this love is
Haunted, haunted, ooh. "

'Haunted' - Rihanna


James stood there in the shower completely confused and hurt as the hot water continued to cascade down over his naked body, all thoughts of wanting to ravish Emily escaped his mind and were replaced with fear and concern. What on earth just happened? Why did she snap at him and storm out? All day he'd done nothing but think about her and how he had made up some excuse to get out of the rehearsals by saying he had an emergency, all because he missed her and needed to be with her and then she suddenly stormed out on him during a love-making session.

Had he said the wrong thing? She'd wanted it just as much as he had, hadn't she? Her actions and vocalisations had suggested she was enjoying it as much as he had been. He felt his heart clench at the thought that he had hurt her in any way.

Sighing deeply to himself, he reached out to shut the water off and slid the door to the shower open, stepping out as swirling tendrils of steam followed him across to the large bathroom mirror that hung opposite above the sink and gazed into it. What greeted him was a tired looking man with dark shadows under his eyes. He snatched up a plush fluffy white towel and wrapped it lowly round his hips before clicking open the door to the bathroom, dreading what was about to greet him on the other side.

The room was eerily quiet and for a minute he thought she had bailed completely until he saw that she had moved her suitcase to store it in the built-in wardrobe that was to the left of the humungous bed. At least she hadn't completely abandoned him.

"Emily?" He called out, his gaze roaming the room, searching for her. His eyes landed on the curtains to the balcony which were billowing in the slight breeze that came through the open French windows that lead to the balcony and for a heart stopping moment his mind flickered to the worst that could have happened.

Rushing over to the open windows he once again called out Emily's name reaching the balcony. Placing his hands on the edge of the balcony he leaned over and looked over down to the street below, dreading the worst.

"EMILY!" He shouted.

"It's alright James, I haven't thrown myself over." A mumbled voice came from behind him in the shadows.

James instantly spun around and found Emily sat on a chair, huddled into a ball with her arms wrapped tightly around her legs which were drawn up onto the chair.

"Emily! I-I. Wh-"

"I wasn't that desperate. I'm not that stupid." She huffed.

"Well, I'm sorry for thinking the worst." James muttered, a little cross at her attitude towards him, when all he wanted to do was scoop her up into his arms and tell her that everything was going to be ok.

Emily didn't reply, but continued to stare out at the illuminated city that spread before her. LA really did look beautiful when it was lit up at night.

James crossed over to where she was sat and pulled out a chair to join her, moving to rest his knees against hers and leaning in to place his hands on her thighs, lightly trailing his fingers over her soft skin. She flinched under his touch and pulled away. He removed his hand when he felt this and rested it on his knee.

"L-look Emily..."

Emily sighed and turned her head away from him fiddling with the tie to the bathrobe she wore. "I-I don't want to talk about, I'm tired James and you're up early no doubt. We should get some sleep."

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