Chapter 13 - Until I saw the Sea

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" The stars in the sky seem to notice your serenity
As February holds the glow in my eyes
Your promise remains unbroken
Your promise remains unbroken. "

'Until I saw the Sea' - Sleeping At Last


It was mid afternoon and Emily and James made their way across the city to Emily's shared apartment with Jason. And true to Alaskan weather, it had started to rain.

The plan was that she would go in and fill the two suitcases she had and take Jason's as well for good measure. She would then fill them with her essentials and anything else she needed to take with her, wanting to get in there, get her stuff and get out as quickly as possible.

"So, he's at work for definite?" James asked Emily as they walked up the sidewalk to the main entrance of her apartment complex.

"Yeaha. In fact. I think he's at the other office in Kenai today. What day is it? I can't even remember what day it is anymore." She laughed, pulling her hood up as the rain started to come down harder.

"'s Tuesday I think." James pulled out his phone to quickly check. "Yeah, it's Tuesday 10th."

"Tuesdays he goes to their other office in Kenai, which usually means he's back later than normal in the evening."

"OK. Good."

They reached the apartment complex and made their way across the forecourt to the main entrance. She rummaged around in her handbag to find her keys and let them both in, crossing across the communal entrance to the elevator and hit the button. They took it up to the 8th floor.

James moved to slide a hand to the small of Emily's back and gently stroked it soothingly. "Don't worry. We'll just get your important stuff and the things you really need and I'll call a cab to help us take everything back to your new place." He lent down and kissed the top of her head.

Emily turned to look up at him and smiled. "Thank you for coming with me. You have no idea how much I appreciate everything you've done for me these past few days."

The elevator pinged for her floor. Reaching out she took James's hand, leading him down the hallway to her front door. Taking a deep breath, she slid her key into the lock and let them both in. James followed shortly behind her, holding the door open.

"Jason?" Emily called out nervously, just to make sure he wasn't there. She walked down the hallway to the kitchen. "Jason are you home?" She entered the kitchen and noticed that there were two empty wine glasses and an empty bottle of wine resting by the sink.

She rolled her eyes and groaned internally.

"Looks like he had company last night." James observed. "The nerve of this guy-"

"Forget it, James. It's nothing new. " She cut him off. "I'm used to it. It's happened so many times that I don't even bat an eyelid at it anymore. Come on." She turned to make her way to her bedroom when she noticed that a photo of herself and Jason lay smashed on the mat in the lounge. She walked over to it and bent to pick it up.



The photo had been taken the first Summer that she and Jason had got together. They looked so happy then, without a care in the world. Jason was the perfect boyfriend and she was the envy of every girl they had encountered throughout their friendship circle. Emily had been on Cloud 9. They took turns to cook for one another. Spent weekends away and the sex! The sex had been mind-blowing. There were times when Emily had honestly thought she was in a dream. That was until she noticed a girl called Jenna starting to message Jason.

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