Chapter 30 - Calm Before the Storm

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" The nights are getting colder
The days are growing long
And you do not know
What you're fighting for
Come back to where you started
Come back where you belong
And I will be your
Calm before the storm. "

'Calm Before the Storm' - Light the Torch



Emily tossed and turned in bed. Sighing for what felt like the 45th time that night she flung back the sheet covering her and lay there gazing up at the ceiling for a while before switching on the bedside light, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and walking over to her suitcase that was set on a trunk at the foot of her bed.

Rummaging around she found her black string bikini that she had packed for her stay with James and which she had rarely had the chance to wear living in Alaska. She stripped off her vest top and shorts, pulling on the bikini instead. Then, finding her flipflops she took a bath towel with her.

She made her way quietly down the hallway of Shannon's house and clicked open the French Doors that led out to the terrace and down to his swimming pool. It was still a very balmy evening and the breeze was soft as it tugged at some loose strands of hair that fell from the messy bun, she had tied her hair up in. The lights of The City shone in the distance below and she stood there for a while taking in the view.

Eventually tearing herself away, she turned and laid out the bath towel that she had brought outside with her on one of the poolside chairs. The pool was still lit up and its soft glow in the black of the night had an instant calming effect on her.

Walking over to the edge of the pool she sat down and slowly lowered her self into the relaxing depths of the water. She decided to swim a few laps to calm her ever-racing mind and rid herself of the muddle of thoughts that collected there. After about 10 or so laps, she made her way over to the pool ladder and hauled herself out of the water, ringing out her hair and looking up towards the direction of the French Doors and inside.

She jumped when she saw the shadow of a figure leaning in the doorway, against one of the doors that she had opened to get to the pool terrace and saw the glowing tip of a cigarette moving up and down as Shannon brought it up to his mouth. Upon seeing him there, she instantly felt exposed, standing before him in just her wet, black, string bikini and made to move to the pool chair to snatch up the bath towel she had laid out.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you jump. I just come out here sometimes on nights when I can't sleep." He told her quietly, pushing himself away from the door frame and walking over to her.

"Yeah I-I...I couldn't sleep either. I-I hope you don't mind that-" She gestured towards the pool with her head as she quickly snatched up the towel and held it protectively against her wet body.

"Of course I don't. Do you swim often? You were amazing to watch." He stood before her taking a last drag on his cigarette, and stubbing it out in the ashtray that sat on the small, white poolside table.

"No. I haven't swum in years. M-my ex; not James, Jason. H-he didn't like the idea of me showing off this much skin to go swimming." She still clutched the towel closely to her body.

"He sounds like an ass." Shannon pulled a face.

Emily didn't reply, but chewed her lower lip awkwardly.

"You have an incredible body." Shannon stepped closer and reached out to touch her damp arm. "You should show it off more."


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