chapter fifteen: happy birthday bitch!

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"MAJESTIES TONIGHT, WHOS COMING?" kris says at the lunch table on saturday afternoon. the cafeterias pretty empty, as usual for weekend meals, but the group of sofia, kris, lexi, lila, daniel and i occupy five seats.

"kris, we're booked for a birthday party, it's closed." daniel explains.

"and no invite?" kris jokes.

"i mean i guess, but you might not want to come..." daniel trails off.

i fidget with my rings at the anticipation for what i'm left to do.

"you okay?" sofia touches her hand to mine, stopping my fixation.

"hmm? yeah, i'm good." i try to confirm.

"what do you mean?" lexi questions daniel.

daniel laughs, then says "it's claire blooms party."

"i knew it" sofia says, not surprised. she looks almost frustrated.

"are you going?" i impulsively say even though the answer's completely clear to me.

"pfffft no, i have no interest in going to the great claire bloom's annual birthday party." she seems jealous she wasn't invited, although she i know she hates claire.

"you got an invite last year, right?" kris asks sofia.

"well yeah, out of her parents pity. but it's not like i went." sofia explained.

"i think it'll be a big party, i don't think she'll notice if we go." i propose; almost impulsively. i regret it right as the words leave my mouth.

"and why do you suddenly want to go so bad?" sofia interrogates.

"hey guys" kyle says as he sits down at the table, beside daniel. glad he broke the tension. he looks at me, and i half smile. hope he's keeping whatever puzzle he put together.

"so you guys still wanna go? it's gonna be big so she probably won't even notice." daniel proposes.

"i'm down." lexi says first.

"a party's a party!" kris jokes.

"kyle?" daniel asks, which brings me to look at kyle.

he's staring directly at me.

"yeah." he says, slightly smirking but not breaking his eyes from me.

"oh my god and we can stay the night at my place!" lila kindly offers.

"do you wanna go?" i give sofia the option hoping she believes my sincerity.

"hmmm i don't know, but i bet you do."

my face drops.
how could she—?
does she even—?

"why would you say that?" i try to laugh it off but am definitely giving something away.

"always seem like you love some fun." sofia adds quietly.

i lean back in my seat uncomfortably. then something makes me remember.


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