S1: Chapter 16 - Sentinel

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A/N: Hiya! 

Welcome to the 16th chapter. 

Sorry for the wait everyone. This chapter was a doozey to write. First half I was doing really well and second half threw me in for a loop.

Thank you all and enjoy reading!


Normal: Korean

Bold: English

Underline: Japanese

Italic: Thoughts


"Whats the update on the deal with Argyle Corporation?" Jintae was sitting in a meeting room with the rest of his ministry staff. The meeting room was organized picture perfect. Not a pen or paper out of place. The place was spotless, clean... Yet it felt ominous and repressing.

"Everything is going well sir. The CEO of Argyle was pleased with the conditions that you had sent him. He says he would like to meet you in person to discuss the finer details if that is okay with sir" One of the men said, holding up a clipboard with his notes for todays meetings.

"Aigoo! Good, good!" Jintae clapped, his grin like a Cheshire's cat. The rest of the staff were also clapping, cheering amongst each other at the great news.

"Hahaha! Aigoo, looks like everything is turning out great" Jintae sighed, a genuine happy smile on his face. He stood up from the front of the table, gathering everyone's attention. "Tell Mr. Argyle I'd be happy to meet him any time he is available"

"Yes sir. I'll make sure to tell him immediately" The man replied, bowing with a smile on his face.

"Looks like everything is going according to plan Jintae-nim" One of the staff members said, just as joyful as Jintae. 

"Hm..." The man nodded in response. "We still have ways to go though. We can't just stop here." Jintae placed his hands on the table, leaning down onto it for support. "We have to keep climbing higher. Dream bigger. Propel this country into the highest food chain."

"We will make Korea, the most powerful country in this continent." Jintae said, his confidence in his words, radiating around the room. His staff could feel his confidence, and they felt just as strong about as he did. 

While the room was full of positive energy, a knock was heard from the door. All heads turned to it, with Jintae speaking up first. "Come in!" He ordered.

A nervous looking man entered the door, closing it behind him with a soft touch. He didn't even try to look at the men in the room. He only fast walked towards Jintae, leaning into his ear to tell him something.

Jintae's smile soon faded as the man continued to explain the situation. When Jintae was expressionless, he raised his hand, the man ceasing his explanation and stepping away. His hand was shaking, balling it into a fist. He had to keep himself calm and restrained. He didn't want to cause a scene in here.

"When did this happen?" Jintae asked, his voice low, showing he was holding in his anger.

"L-L-Last night sir." The man began quiver in fear, his voice shaky. He kept on stepping back, little by little, not wanting to be close when Jintae explodes.

"Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?!" Jintae raised his voice, slamming his fist onto the table. Everyone in the room jumped, terrified of the man.

"S-Sorry sir... I-It seems whoever did it, broke into the companies security network" The man began to explain once more, only this time his head was craning, looking at the ground. "W-We didn't get notified till six hours later."

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