All You Need Is Love

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It's early December, and Blaine is sitting alone in the choir room, studying intently for his upcoming midterms. He had finally caught up on his missed work, after transferring back to Dalton only a month ago. The mahogany table where he sits is littered with notes from his classes, including history from the earliest times to the Renaissance, chemistry formulas he didn't quite understand, flashcards from French class, and an essay on Macbeth for English. Blaine had been working at his essay for over an hour now, and is growing weary. As his eyes scan the pages of the Shakespearian novel for the third time, looking for instances of the themes guilt, loyalty, and fate, for his essay, he can't help but drop the book to run his hands over his face.

A sharp chime brings Blaine out of his thoughts. Peering up, he realizes his phone is lit up by a text message. He slowly closes the book, takes a deep breath in, then reads it. The message is from Sam, his closest friend from back at McKinley. It's simple, but still makes his heart feel heavy, hey, just checking on you and making sure you're okay. we miss you. He groans out loud, partly because the light hits his eyes and he can feel another wave of tiredness hit him, and partly because he feels an overwhelming sense of shame for leaving his friends. He sits there for a second, pondering how to respond, or if he even should.

Blaine feels torn into two. Dalton is where he feels safe and appreciated. When he was desperate for shelter, he ran to the school with its no-tolerance bullying policy and comfortable atmosphere. His fellow students love to remind him of the legacy he left with the Warblers, and how they're so glad to have him back. But when he fell hopelessly in love, he quickly moved to McKinley to follow the man who captured his heart. He made beautiful and unforgettable memories with Kurt, and even some with new friends he made there. The puzzle pieces started coming out of place when Kurt moved to New York for college and left him confused and alone. Feeling like Dalton was the only home he had ever known, he returned to finish his senior year. He tried to make the decision that was best for him, but he wasn't even sure if he did that or just left on a whim, trying to escape every memory of his former love.

Even now, sitting in Dalton's choir room, was he reminded of Kurt. It was about two years ago when he approached him gently and set a radio down beside him. Curious of the boy, yet afraid to get too close, he asked him to help practice a song he had to perform. A safe way to start any eventual friendship or relationship. They are both Warblers, after all. The boys sung the song together as snow fell outside behind them. It was picture perfect. Now it's only a memory, as Blaine sits alone in the giant room. He feels like he could cry, but no tears come.

Blaine blinks a few times, as if trying to make the memory disappear. He refocuses his vision and tries to remember what he was doing five minutes before being ripped back into time. Macbeth, guilt, loyalty, Sam's text message. He recalls, looking over his work space. He decides to respond to Sam later to avoid sinking back into a pool of new memories that he was trying so hard to block out of his head. So, he straightens up in his seat and picks up his book again to continue searching for scenes to cite in his essay. Though, he didn't get far into the paragraph when a creak comes from the corner of the room. Blaine tries to ignore it, but can hear somebody come in, disturbing his silence.

"I don't mean to bother you. I thought the room was empty."

Blaine knows that voice. It belongs to Sebastian, the boy who was once his friend, then an enemy, and now a Blaine didn't know what. He doesn't know how to respond, so he just turns slightly to face him.

"I can leave." Sebastian says, after a moment of silence between the two of them. However, it is obvious he doesn't want to, despite turning back towards the door.

"No, no, it's okay. I'm just studying." Blaine finally responds.

A small smile appears on Sebastian's face. It holds nothing menacing nor contentious, just pleasure that Blaine allowed him to stay. "Anything I can help with? I happen to be very good at French, and Nick said you were in his level III class." He says, wiggling his eyebrows at his own comment. Blaine is well aware that the boy is fluent in the language, and in fact moved in straight from Paris two years ago.

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