Road Rage

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Blaine has never faced a problem driving home late from Lima. With some loud music and a coffee to-go, night drives quickly became a familiarity with his boyfriend living a few cities north. He would visit other friends, too, who all lived in the Lima area. Most of them preferred him to drive up instead of them heading to Westerville. Despite all this, he didn't mind the drive and even enjoyed having some time alone with his thoughts. This particular night, he and Kurt had been at the coffee shop trying to pick up the pieces of their broken relationship until Kurt left with his dad. The pair separated in early September, dating long-distance not working out for either boy. While the break-up was brutal, they're slowly healing through little talks on what went wrong and if there's any hope of fixing them.

Blaine had spent the rest of his time with Sam, talking until the sun set. It would be two days before he'd see his friend again, considering it was a Friday and Blaine wasn't about to make the highway drive on the weekend. Due to Sam's insistence on watching a particular movie, it was only twenty minutes ago Blaine left his house. The moon and his headlights were the only thing lighting the road, but he was confident in his ability to get back safely. He does this all the time; it's a nearly straight trip between the cities, with a few turns of on and off ramps. The biggest threat to him is staying awake, but that's why a tall cup of coffee sits in the cup holder beside him.

As the drive continues, Blaine notices less and less cars occupying the highway. No big deal, it's late anyway. However, the number of cars seems to dwindle the closer he gets to his midway point. Roughly fifteen, eight, three, one, he counts in his head. Slightly odd. Then he notices the last one is directly behind him, a little more odd. Blaine keeps his eyes on the road, with quick glances back, hoping the other will pass or turn off an exit. Instead, he only seems to pick up pace. A bit of panic heats up his chest upon realizing this and he applies a little more pressure to the gas pedal.

Blaine notices it's a truck, a bit old, but still perfectly capable of keeping up speed. Desperate and latching onto the idea that maybe it's just some guy in a rush that doesn't want to move over, Blaine switches lanes. Though to his horror, so does the other. Not ten seconds later, the truck is at his bumper. Definitely not normal. Sweat beading on his forehead, the boy speeds up. The other copies his action again. Now going near eighty miles an hour, Blaine hurriedly grabs his phone to call Kurt.

I know we're having issues, but please pick up, please, please.

You have reached the voicemail of – hey, it's Kurt Hummel. I can't get to you now, but please leave a message and I'll return your call shortly.

He calls him again, but nothing. A call to Rachel also turns up with no response.

Peeking into his rear view mirror, Blaine suddenly notices the truck is no longer behind him. All comfort in that quickly fades, when he realizes it is now passing him to the side, and cutting him off in the front. To avoid an accident, the boy swerves to the right and slows down a bit. Once stable, he glances back at his phone. Sam. He tries his number,

It's Sam, I am, too busy to take your call. Try again later.

An anxious whine escapes Blaine's lips and his eyes are watering furiously. The truck makes a few more attempts to get Blaine to hit him from behind, before whipping into the left lane as he did minutes prior. With no other choice, the boy races past, and watches the man occupying the front seat get in his lane again. He gains speed quickly, causing Blaine to fumble with his phone to try and get a hold of someone, anyone that may be able to help.

His mom is away on a business trip in northern Kentucky, too far away to be of any assistance. She'd be his first call, but he considers she is probably busy, or tired, or both. Scrolling further down his contacts' list, he almost calls Mr. Shue. The two don't know each other that well, but he would care enough about Blaine to offer something helpful.

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