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"Who all is joining today?" Blaine sits beside Nick, coffee in hand.

"Uhh, Jeff's in the bathroom, Wes and David are on the way, Jon was behind you in line," Trent racks his head to think about who he missed.

"Where'd Thad go?"

The boy turns to his right, "he was beside me, where the hell did he go?" He swings his head wildly, trying to locate the missing Warbler, "oh god. Talking to his never-gonna-happen-crush."

"Wait, who?" Blaine and Nick turn in unison, Nick knowing about the crush and just wanting to see Blaine's reaction.

In the center of the coffee shop sit the New Directions, all staring up at Thad while he makes a horrible attempt at flirting with the girl he's been in love with since seeing her at Sectionals. He makes a joke, adds a wink, and in return, she wrinkles her nose, unsure of how to respond. Blaine can tell the poor girl doesn't want to be rude, but doesn't know how to shoo him away, either.

"Brittany?!" He turns back to the group.

"Yep. I don't know what cupid hit him with an arrow, but ever since Sectionals..."

"He better watch out. If Santana comes back and sees that, he's gonna get punted across a football field."

"And he's little, too. He'll go far," Jeff comments, having heard the last bit of the conversation. "So who else is joining us?"

"Oh my god, dude, Blaine just asked that!"

"Well I wasn't here, so enlighten me."

"Wes and David are coming, Jon's walking over, Thad's flirting, and-"

"Is Sebastian coming?" Blaine interrupts.

"Uhhh, I don't know."

Nick answers, despite the bite of croissant in his mouth, "he's finishing an essay and will be over after, he told me."

"Why doesn't he just finish it here?"

"Because even though we come here to study, nothing productive ever gets done."

"We get stuff done."

"Not essays."

Blaine sighs, too audibly.

"You know how he is - he gets in a mood and refuses to do anything else until that one thing is finished. He'll be here eventually."

Before Blaine can respond, Jeff butts in with, "what's up, Blaine? You sound upset."

"Not upset, I just like everyone being here together."

"I told you he's coming soon."

"But I need- I like- all my ducks need to be in a row, I don't know how to be productive when only some of you are here and some are somewhere else."

The three boys, now joined by Jon, stare at him.

"Sounds like you have a little crush," the tallest says, then sips his coffee so Blaine can't see his face.

"No! I don't."

"Oh, ho ho, yes you do! Oh my god, I see it now! How did I miss this!" Nick claps his friend on his shoulder.

"No! I just like everyone being organized! I like knowing where everyone is."

"It's okay, you can admit it," Jeff presses.

"There's nothing to admit! I don't like him like that; it's nothing!"

Now Trent's laughing at him, too, "you're just digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole, B."

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