Learning French (smut)

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Blaine makes eye contact with the person through his laptop screen. The boy he's watching, however, is unaware of who's on the other side. He only sees his views go up and another comment added as Blaine writes, this is so hot.

From the video, a soft moan is let out, followed by a thrust of the hips. Blaine panics, but reassures himself the volume isn't loud enough to be heard out into the hall. Or at least, he thinks.

"tu te sens si bien, putain," The voice praises, "bon garçon."

Two minutes into the video, Blaine starts to feel tight. He is tempted to act on this and void all concern, but suddenly the doorknob turns and lock clicks. A shadow makes an appearance through the small cracks underneath the door. Blaine freezes, realizing someone's outside. The door slowly begins to open, the person on the other side obviously not wanting to disturb someone by bursting into the room.

"Tu veux que je..." The voice begins to ask. Snapped out of his trance, he finally pushes the pause button.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Blaine curses to himself, furiously working to close the page on his browser. He doesn't want to seem too obvious by shutting his laptop completely, so he opts instead to mute and switch tabs. He shuffles around, trying to find the least conspicuous tab to pull up, but is running out of time. Eyes finally landing on "Blackboard" at the top, Blaine clicks the tab immediately and his homework to-do list fills the screen.

Blaine barely has time to let out the breath he is holding when Sebastian enters the room. He takes a few steps toward the other boy, who is sprawled out on his bed, before stopping to take in the scene. Papers are scattered all over and his pen has made its way to the floor. Blaine's eyes are glued to his laptop, hair messy, with the top button of his shirt undone.

Just then, Blaine looks up at Sebastian like he has just noticed the other's presence.

"Hey," he says calmly, before bringing his attention towards his notes beside him, trying to give off the impression he had been working this whole time.

"Hey," Sebastian responds, equally monotone in voice. Confused but curious, he is wondering why his friend is acting differently. Blaine hadn't been back at Dalton long, so their restored friendship is still very new. However, Sebastian knows Blaine's little quirks and habits from observation to know he is hiding something. He also knew that look on anyone, and has seen it in himself. That act of "pretend-to-do-something-else-because-someone-is-coming".

Silence takes over the boys, both debating what to say next. Assuming Sebastian's distracted, Blaine lifts his gaze up to the other. Wrong move, though, because the taller boy was already looking at him.

The eye contact brings Sebastian out of his trance, and he suddenly remembers why he came in the room.

"Sorry to walk in on you. I left my jacket in here and Jeff said I could let myself in to get it."

"You didn't walk in on anything," Blaine starts, then quickly follows with, "it's no worries."

Sebastian nods and makes his way over to Jeff's desk, where his jacket is wrapped around the arm. Two night prior, the three boys and Nick had a movie night in Jeff's room, and the lacrosse jacket was left when they all hastily made their way to breakfast. Sebastian has forgotten to retrieve it since that night, allowing it to be the object of Blaine's affection every time he was in the room. He is glad Jeff hadn't moved it, nor Sebastian came to get it. Seeing 'SMYTHE' written across the back in big letters gave Blaine a feeling of closeness to the boy for whom he was developing feelings.

Now it is Blaine's turn to be lost in his thoughts. Distracted by how the boy in front of him was making him feel, Blaine swallows hard and can feel his cheeks getting pink.

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