New York Nationals - part 1

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a/n: three part series that will eventually turn smutty (not in this chapter)

The trip to New York City is a predicted nine hour drive, since nobody wanted to fly instead. It would've been easier, and probably safer, but the totaled votes were overwhelmingly in favor of driving. So days of planning led to a final decision: the lacrosse team bus plus two cars would be taken to the coast for this year's National championship.

"How does McKinley get to these things?" Jeff wonders out loud as the boys divvy up who will ride with who.

"Probably a big yellow bus," someone half-assed responds.

Recently transferred Blaine confirms, "Yeah, they bought a handy-capable bus a few years back, but it looks like the usual yellow ones."

"Last time I was on one of those, I got sick," Nick mutters.

"Ew. Why were you on one anyway?" His best friend crinkles his nose.

"My old elementary school had them. Yes, it was private, but yes, there were enough kids they needed the big size bus. I went on a field trip, didn't feel good the whole time, and the minute we turned onto a gravel road, up came my lunch."


"You asked," he retorts.

Mr. Dawson snaps to get the room's attention, "alright boys, get serious. Does anyone have any requests to drive or be in someone's car, or ride the bus? Any requests at all?"

Everyone looks around, pondering the question. Several have opinions, buy nobody wants to be the first to speak. Sebastian glances at Blaine, wanting to drive and have the boy with him, but doesn't know how to ask. Blaine, in turn, hates buses and wants to be with Sebastian anyway. Trent wants to be in a car, whether he's driving or not, so he looks at David, who loves driving. Jeff doesn't care where he goes as long as he's with his crush, but Nick just explicitly stated he hates buses.

Despite the large amount of anti-bus students, some are eager to try it. Thad hasn't been on one since kindergarten, and Jon never has.

"Hey wasn't there a whole party in a bus in that one scene in Pitch Perfect? I'm going on the bus, I'm about to have a party!"

To Mr. Dawson's relief, Jon gets number of students agreeing with him after his comment. "Not too loud of a party, but you can as long as you stay in your seats."

Thad is one of the ones to pick the bus after Jon does, "ha, you guys are suckers. If we need to stretch our legs, we can just move seats. You guys are stuck there."

"What did I just say?" The teacher rolls his eyes.

"At least we won't be throwing up," Nick comments, "can someone please drive me?"

"I'll drive, I have a truck," David offers.

"Please take me, oh my god," Trent takes the opportunity to beg his way off the bus.

Sebastian finally speaks up, "I'll drive too, I like the comforts of my own car."

"Jeff, what are you doing?" Blaine asks his friend.

"I don't know, what are you doing?" Jeff knows damn well what he's doing; he's following Nick.

"I'd rather not be in a bus, reminds me of too many bad public school experiences."

"Pick a ride you three," the teacher urges, getting impatient.

"I'll go with Seb cause I've never been in a truck and I don't want my first time going for nine hours."

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