Birthdays are for Breaking the Rules - pt 5

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That night, Blaine stands in front of his mirror, practicing what he's going to say to Audrey. And to Rachel, too, for that matter.

"You need to learn to respect other people's personal lives." No.

"You need to learn to mind your own business." Not that either.

"You can't go into stores alone anymore." God, why is this so hard?!

He sits down to think, only for his phone to ring. Equal parts fear and hope swarm him as Maroon 5 fills the room. Sebastian? Please don't let it be... please let it... don't let it...

Taking a deep breath, he looks at the screen. Mom. Probably calling to see if he's talked to Sebastian yet. Great.

But as tempted as he is to ignore it, what if it's not about him? Blaine collects his nerves and answers the phone.

"Hi, pumpkin! How are you?"

"Stressed, to be honest. How've you been?"

"Busy, mostly. I'm sorry to hear you're stressed, what's wrong?"

"The usual. I don't feel like getting into it."

"It's not about... what I put you up to, right?"

"Um," he knows what she's referring to, "hey, has Audrey called you recently?"

"What? Um, no, why?"

"Are you sure?"

"Blaine, I'm positive. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. It's fine. Actually, can we talk another time? I think I need to shower and clear my head. I'm exhausted and I've had a headache all day."

"Of course, sweetheart. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Call me when you're feeling better."

"Okay, thanks. I love you."

"I love you too."

He only gets as far as taking off his shirt when he re-dials his mom's number.


"I saw Sebastian," he rushes out, "I saw him, and we talked for a minute, and then I ran out. I ran as fast as I could and hid behind a dumpster so he couldn't find me."


Blaine's not finished, "Audrey did it. Audrey told me she lost her bracelet at the coffee shop, but then sent me a text saying she never even lost it. Then when Sebastian noticed me and called me over. He said Audrey came to him, wanting to set a trap for us to re-meet. How did she plan all that? How does she even know him? What do I say to her? What the hell do I do, Mom?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Our little girl set you two up?"

"Yes, Mom. I don't know how."

"Maybe she heard you on the phone when Kurt dropped her off. Or maybe Rach told her."

"What do I say to her? She can't be running around New York alone talking to people I haven't seen in twenty years!"

"What are you saying? Do you not trust Sebastian around her?"

"No! Not that at all! But what if she got hurt, being alone? What if Sebastian wasn't there?"

"Well it sounds like you need to have a talk with her about safety. But don't scold her about trying to set you two up," Pam starts.

Blaine cuts her off, "why? She shouldn't be meddling in things she doesn't understand."

"First of all, don't interrupt me-"

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