Birthdays are for Breaking the Rules - pt 7

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At noon, Sam Evans rings Blaine's doorbell, hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his toes, anxiously. Audrey had all her closest friends and family in place like little chess pieces, waiting to make a move when she called for it. It was as cute as much as it was dictatorial, but what can he say? She's Blaine's daughter. And Rachel's. Though this plan, oddly enough, makes Sam laugh as he realizes she could easily pass as Smythe's daughter, too.

"Uh, hi, Sam!" Blaine greets before pulling him closer to whisper, "do you know what's going on?"

"Uhhh, Audrey called me saying she wanted me to join you guys for coffee today."

"Is that all? Because she's been incredibly high strung all morning."

"I think so."

"Jeez, you'd think she has a crush she's trying to run into," Blaine stiffens, "oh my god, do you think she has a crush?" His eyes are wide at the thought.

"No, no, that couldn't be it," Sam says unconvincingly.

"Alright, well I'm gonna tell her you're here," he hurries away to her room, no doubt to try and find out if there is a crush in the picture.

Sam mutters with a smirk, "not her crush, at least."


The minute the shop bell rings, Sebastian's heart sinks to his toes. With a careful eye on the door, he watches Sam, Blaine, and Audrey walk inside, chilly from the winter breeze. Audrey looks immediately at him, sending a wink, before tugging on her dad's arm.

This is it. Now or never.

Sebastian clears his throat, then his table, making room for the trio that had just entered. Blaine's been in a conversation with Sam since the minute they came in, so his daughter pulls him where she wants as he mindlessly follows. As they reach Sebastian's table, though, the girl coughs loudly, and Blaine finally puts his attention on her.

"What? Why don't we sit where we normally sit, Aud?"

"No," is all she says as she directs him into the chair. He sits, then begins to glance around, probably wondering why she's so insistent on him sitting right there - oh. That's why.



Blaine glances at Sebastian, who left a stack of papers beside him just to look like he's not waiting particularly for Blaine and is currently grading the one on top, and sighs.

"I had a perfect, perfect plan that you ruined because you ran out, so now I'm forcing you to face your fears and talk."

Sebastian can't help but smile, "am I scary?"

"Not to me, but maybe to Daddy, who can't look at you without blushing."

"Audrey," he repeats, a warning in his tone.

"I'm right," she shrugs. "Here, talk for thirty minutes, give or take. If it's not going well, I'll drop it. But Daddy, please. You'll regret it if you don't."

"And what are you doing during this?"

"Uncle Sammy's taking me to the park," she waves at Sam. The man's not even paying attention. Instead, he's ordering himself a peppermint mocha latte with extra whipped cream. And he really thinks he's not bi...

"Fine, you win. Thirty minutes."

"Promise me you won't leave the minute I do."

The idea had already crossed Blaine's mind twice. But then he makes the mistake of glancing at Sebastian, and his plan crumbles, "I promise."

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