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~ for Seblaine Week, Day 4: Free Day but is also something that I've wanted to post and will have more parts!!

~ warnings: hospitalization, mentions of alcohol use, mentions of inappropriate relationship with a minor, mentions of sex


On his third day of hospitalization, Blaine wakes up on the white bed, laying under countless, itchy blankets, with nothing to do but continue to stare at the ceiling with one eye. In his slumber, he's benumbed to all the sounds of the hospital, but the minute his mind is awake to thinking again is the moment the sounds return in full force. The monitor, to his left, beeping to remind him of each beat of his own heart. Footsteps, from out in the hallway, varying with different degrees of heaviness. Voices, all around, either by his bedside, opposite his curtain, or from the TV. His phone, too, chimes with message after message. Blaine has no idea who's so desperate to contact him, but someone has been texting all day.

"Hey, good evening, baby. How do you feel? Need any pain meds?" His mother's soft voice comes from the right, bringing him into full consciousness.

"Hi. Um. Maybe, yeah. It hurts a little."

"Okay, let me grab the nurse. I'll be right back."

As she leaves, Blaine makes an effort to grab his phone and see just who's been sending all those messages. The second he pulls it up to his face, though, the white light burns into his unpatched eye and he can't help but react viscerally.

"Oh no, sweetheart. You're gonna need a few more days away from that. Even though only one eye was torn, you still suffered harm to both. It should be okay in a day or two more; the one we surgically repaired will be another week, but you shouldn't be on your phone much until at least the first is healed." The nurse comes in and explains. "I'm gonna give you another dose of pain meds through the IV. It'll give me a second to hook up, but will get into your system more quickly than they would if I give them orally."

"Okay. Sorry."

"No reason to apologize, honey, this is all very new to you, I'm sure."

"Hey, Mom, can you read who's been texting me? All I hear is constant chiming."

"Sure, peach, where's your phone?"

"Here," he tries his best to hand it to her without disrupting the IV.

"Alright. Who's yapping?" She mutters, "ope, passcode?"

"Uhhh, 1011."

"Blaineee, you should have a safer passcode than that!"

"I have the most uninteresting phone to hack into."

"That's not the point, but not a worry right now." She types in the code and goes straight to his messages. "Alright, you want all the names or do you want me to click on one and read you the messages?"

"Are there that many names?"

"There's a lot, peach."

"I guess just the names then."

"Okay. Most recent, being three minutes ago, is Trent. Oh, I remember him! Such a sweetheart, that boy is. He's not involved in this, is he?"

"Uhh, not really, I don't think."

"Okay, well, I'll just continue, we can figure that out later. You've also got Rachel, Kurt, Artie, Finn, Mercedes, Tina, Sebastian - why does that name ring a bell? Blaine?" She notices at the last boy's name, her son hits his head against the pillow, visibly upset. "B, you okay?"

He's obviously not okay, but she's looking more for answers than a yes or no response. He won't look in her direction, yet his face is red hot like he's on the verge of tears. "Blaine?"

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