Birthdays are for Breaking the Rules - pt 9

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"Mom, I've lost control," Blaine calls his mom late into the night.

"What's wrong, baby? You okay? Audrey okay?"

"Everything's fine. Everyone's fine. But I've done some things recently and there's no going back, and I haven't processed it yet."

"Done some things? Blaine, please be more specific."

"Good things! I promise. The things are good, I'm just freaking out about said things now."


"Okay, okay." The next few sentences come out in a rush, "I went on a date with Sebastian, and really, really enjoyed myself, and he's hot as ever and so, so sweet, but I can't believe this is happening to me. First of all, how I am so lucky to get this chance to reconnect with him all these years later; second, what do I do now that we're like, in that stage of first date, second date? I've only ever had two boyfriends, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't want to fuck this up, I really, really, like him, Mom."

"Could you... say that slower?"

"Oh my god."

"Not my fault!"

"After I ran out the first time, Audrey set me up with Sebastian again, and this time I didn't run. We ended up going on a date, which was today, and now he's gonna join us downtown on Saturday."

"Really?! That's amazing, B! Wait, why are you worried?"

"Because I really like him and I'm afraid I'll fuck it up. That or someone's gonna find out and yell at me, or him."

"Alrighty, you better listen well, I'm only saying this once."

"Um, okay?"

"No one can do anything about your high school friends. If they find out and cause shit, that's their own immaturity and their own problem. Don't let it affect you. Now, something you are in control of is yourself. Clearly, you're still as in love with his boy as you were in high school-"

"I wasn't in love," he automatically replies.

"We already had this talk; I know everything. And don't interrupt."


"Like, love, whatever, you feel it for him. And clearly, he also feels the same. I don't think there's any way you could fuck it up. But, if you're worried, my advice to you is to not think."


"Don't think, just be yourself."

"I'm not following."

"You spent so much of high school curating yourself to make others like you, and it's obvious to me that Sebastian likes you for you. Otherwise, he wouldn't still be so in love with you."

"He's not-"

"Don't even," Pam interrupts her son, despite that being her pet peeve, "sorry. But don't even try to convince me 'he's not in love with you'. My motherly instincts say otherwise, and have since the first time I saw you two on FaceTime."

Blaine only huffs in response, knowing she's probably right.

"Mhm. So I'm serious - don't try to be someone else, or someone from your past. Don't try to mold yourself into someone you think he'll like better, because he likes you just how you are."

"He actually did tell me he liked my hair without the gel today. Said he was glad I was learning to accept that part of myself."

"Exactly my point."

"Okay, I see what you're saying," he pauses to catch his breath for the first time in a while, "but what if we're moving too fast? We've already gone on one date, planned another..."

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