Somebody I Fucked Once (some smut)

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~ for Seblaine Week, Day 6: Exes with Benefits

~ angst with a happy ending, minor alcohol use, blow jobs, anal sex, rimming, aftercare


Sebastian: Wanna hang out tomorrow night?

Sebastian: Wanna han‖...

Sebastian: Kinda bored and miss you, hook up tmr? ;)

Sebastian: Kinda b‖...

The solid line blinks at him for him to finish the sentence. But nothing sounds like the right thing to say.

Sebastian: Are you free tomorrow?

It's open-ended enough, he can type a quick 'no' if he doesn't want to see me. It's alright. It's fine. It's not like we're a thing or anything.

And they weren't. They tried that and it didn't work.

But that's okay. Because Sebastian doesn't do relationships. Right?


Roll back six months ago to the spring of twenty-seventeen. Blaine Anderson, his best friend, Sam, and an old friend of Sam's, who goes by Mason, are dancing in a bar in southern Cincinnati. They keep it low-key, just enjoying each other's company at first, but then are pulled into a dance circle as the crowd realizes they've got a few cool moves to share. After that, it's not long before the music's turned up, lights are dimmed lower, and half the bar is dancing alongside them.

Two weeks prior to that night, Sam had texted Blaine if he wanted to come down to Cincinnati with him to see an old friend from Sam's childhood. The two have been inseparable ever since Blaine's transfer to Ohio State back in Columbus. When Mason hit up Sam to see if he wanted to swing by for a few days, the blonde knew that his two best friends would get along swimmingly, and asked if Blaine could join them. So, the pair drove down together and all three have been exploring the city. Mason had a number of things they definitely needed to visit, and this bar was at the top of the list.

It's known for awesome food, top-notch DJs, and strobe lights, and it's mostly college students, so you don't have to worry about being hit on by old guys, the man tells them in his effort to convince them to try it.

Assuming the local knew the city better than they did, Sam and Blaine agreed. That decision brought them to the night they went: dancing under strobe lights, girls and guys surrounding them cheering on each new person in the circle, and shouting out next songs for the DJ to play.

It's ironic that of all the bars Mason could've taken the two ex-McKinley students, he took them to the one where Sebastian was a known regular. Though instead of engaging in the party scene, he preferred to watch it from a distance. Sitting at the bar, scoping out a hot guy to take into one of the back rooms. Maybe in his teenage years he would've enjoyed the loud music and comradery of drunk dancers yelling from the top of their lungs, but now, three years into his career studies with five still to go, Sebastian just wants to sit and hope he catches the eye of someone without going far to get them. Of course, he still loves dancing and is in no way too tired to not sleep with every hot guy with whom he pleases, he just uses less effort to find them.

So that's where he was when he's staring out into the crowd, blinking twice because that one boy just looked all too familiar.

There's no fucking way Blaine's in a bar in Cincinnati. You're just tired. Get over him already.

Taking a deep breath, he turned back to the bar to order another drink. A few seats away, he caught the eye of a man who sent him a wink and a flirty smile, but Sebastian suddenly wasn't in the mood. His mind was on Blaine now, and whether it was him in the crowd or not. The same boy he was in love with in high school and has yet to get over even now.

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