Birthdays are for Breaking the Rules - pt 4

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Audrey stands in front of her mirror, practicing her speech. Her dad's currently in the shower so there's no way he'll hear her, as she repeats the same words and tone on repeat.

"I lost my bracelet from Emma! The one she made me when we went on vacation together and made each other matching ones! I must've lost it when Auntie Rach and I went to lunch. We went to our usual spot. Can you pleaseeee, pleaseeee go look for me? I know you're recording early, so if you can check after... what time are you done?" She knows he's expected to be done at ten forty-five. She also knows that her dad will go looking for the bracelet as soon as he's off, meaning he'll walk into the coffee shop at the exact time she gave Sebastian. And at eleven on the dot, she'll send a text that reads, I didn't lose my bracelet, actually. I just needed you there. You'll know why soon enough. <3 ily, daddy

Maybe it's wrong of her to send her dad on this wild goose chase of a missing bracelet, just for there to be no missing bracelet, but Audrey knows her dad; he won't reach out to Sebastian on his own. He needs someone to build a bridge for him to reconnect with Sebastian, and that's what Audrey's taken upon herself to do. He'll thank me in the long run, she chuckles.

The text is pre-typed on her phone so that at lunch break, she only has to hit send and doesn't have to risk losing her phone in school. Blaine will read the text as soon as he gets it, and then at 'you'll know why soon enough', he'll be looking all over the shop in confusion. That's when Sebastian can walk in or call out to him. The girl has this planned out to a T. Now, it's time to execute. It's Thursday night, only ten hours until her pseudo-meltdown over her bracelet.


"Daddy!" She cries, "I lost my bracelet, I haven't been able to find it all morning!"

"Oh, baby, which one?!"

"The one from Emma! Remember when we went on vacation together and we made each other matching ones? I can't find mine!"

"Oh honey, don't you worry about it. I'll find it. Do you know where it could be?"

"I've spent the whole morning searching the house, I don't think it's here. It could be at school, so I'll look when I go. The only other place I've been is the cafe, when I went to lunch with Auntie Rach."

"Okay, okay, don't panic. We'll find it. If Josef sees it, you know he'll put it in lost and found. I'll warn him ahead of time to look. I don't get done recording until ten forty-five, so I'll swing by and look for it, okay?"

"Are you sure? I don't want to ruin your plans for the day!"

"Oh, you're totally fine, sweetheart! You never ruin my plans. Besides, I don't have plans. I was just going to go to the park and write more lyrics. I can do that whenever, but right now, I need to help you."

"Okay. Thank you, daddy. I love you."

"I love you too, pumpkin. Now let's get going to school before you're late."

Audrey wipes her fake tears and climbs into the back of the minivan, feeling slightly ashamed of herself. Her dad's so worried about helping her, and he'll probably rush through recording just to look. Well, it is for his benefit in the long run. So don't feel too bad, she thinks. No, I gotta break just a little.

"Daddy, don't rush recording to find it. I still want you to have a productive and stress-free day. I don't think anyone would steal it, I just want to know it's safe."

"You sure? Cause I was going to try and leave early."

"No, don't, it'll be okay. Mr. Josef will keep his eyes out."

"Okay, baby. I'll still go by at eleven-ish, though."

"Thank you."

"You betcha."


Clock strikes eleven and Audrey hits send. She can almost see it now: her dad standing in the middle of the cafe, staring around the room. Looking down at his phone, reading her text and sighing. Wondering what his daughter's up to, but betting it's too late for him to leave now.


A voice from the side of the room calls out his name, but he wonders if he had imagined it. He looks around for anyone who seems to be trying to get his attention, and finally finds him when he turns to the left.


Blaine's breath is caught in his throat. Eighteen years since he's seen Sebastian Smythe and the man's first word to him is 'hi.' Well, technically, it was his name, but still.

Clearing his throat, Blaine prepares a proper response. Thousands of questions have been circulating in his head for days now.. He can give a better answer than the boy's weak-


Great job, Blaine.

"It's nice seeing you again, B. How are you?"

"Um. Good, actually. Had a bit of a rough patch, but I'm doing better. How about yourself?"

"Good, too, uh, for the most part."

"I'm glad. Hey, um, were you here about a week ago?"

"Yeah. My work schedule got changed, so I was trying new things in my new lunch break time and stumbled upon this little shop. I saw you but didn't want to, uh, intrude."

"You wouldn't've had intruded. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been missing our friendship lately."

Sebastian smiles at this, "come sit, if you have time."

Blaine looks back at his phone - I didn't actually lose my bracelet, I just needed you there - and sighs.

"Are you okay?"

The man sits in the chair opposite Sebastian, "my daughter. She's a little troublemaker."

"Audrey, right?"

"That's her. I don't even know the full extent of what she's done this time, but it can't be good."


"Girl told me she lost a bracelet here, but I get here and she's like, nope, I just needed you there." Blaine notices Sebastian biting his lip. "What?"

"I may be able to fill in some blanks."


"So when my daughter told me Rachel was taking her out to lunch, she actually bribed Rachel into bringing her here, to talk to you?"

"That's what I've gathered," Sebastian's lips form a small smile, as if he's unsure how to look at Blaine.

Blaine chuckles for a second, but then something sad takes over his face. With another deep sigh, he hides his expression with his palms, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Her coming over and bothering you. You're obviously busy and have things to do. I'm gonna have a talk with her about minding her own business." Before Sebastian can say another word, Blaine's standing up, "it was nice seeing you again, Sebastian."

As soon as Sebastian processes what's happening, Blaine's gone. He rushed out the door and disappeared around the block. The words, 'Blaine, wait' stick in his throat. 'I wanted to talk to you'. But by the time he's able to get up, Sebastian can't even tell which direction he went.

So he was right. Blaine doesn't want him near his daughter; he doesn't want him back in his life. Their chance meeting was a one time thing.

He swallows hard. One chance to apologize, one chance to confess, one chance to even see Blaine ever again, and he blew it. Looks like fate chose her toughest weapon after all. 

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