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tags: PDA, mentions of sex / sexual talk; sebastian is protective <3


"Sebastian, stop," he pushes the boy away from his neck. "Trying to read." He's unsuccessful, as his boyfriend only reattaches his lips two seconds later. "Sebastian! What's your problem?"

"I don't like the way that guy is looking at you," he admits, hot breath hitting against Blaine.


"At the booth."

"It's probably nothing. Stop being possessive."

"I would if I could Blaine, but you're not something I can afford to lose."

"What's that mean?"

"I'm not gonna lose you to some curly haired creep if I failed to mark you as mine."

"Sebastian, I'm not going anywhere. I am yours."

"He doesn't know that."

"I'm sure he does if he's been watching for the last five minutes."

The boy finally gives up, huffing and resting his head on his palm, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." When Blaine turns to look at him, something sad rests on his face. "What's wrong, Seb?"

"Have I been annoying you?"

"No, no! Not annoying! I mean, it's hard to focus when you're leaving hickies on my neck, but I'm not annoyed." His boyfriend still looks upset, so Blaine continues, "and I love your PDA, you know I do. But sometimes, you could take it down a notch, just a little. Whoever it is isn't a threat; I am fully yours, Bastian."

"But he's been staring at you the whole time we've been here."

"Who? Point him out. Discreetly."

"At the booth, curly haired, looks like an adult version of the weird kid in Victorious."

Blaine can't help but laugh, "what?"

"To my right."

Ever so slowly, Blaine turns his head. He scans the room for someone matching Sebastian's description, and eyes go wide when he finds him. "Oh my god."


"I know him. That's why he's staring. Oh my god, this is not good."

"Wait, Blaine, what's going on? Did he hurt you?"

"No, baby," he reaches out to squeeze Sebastian's hand. The boy's always watching out for Blaine's ex bullies, and will not hesitate to start something if he ever comes across one. "Uhh, it's a little hard to explain."

As Blaine's focused on trying to explain this previous massive embarrassment of his young but eventful life, he doesn't notice the man's come up to their table.

"Hi Blaine."

Sebastian's head snaps up, eyebrows furrowed.

"H-h-hi. Jeremiah."

"Thought that was you, wasn't sure."

"Yeah, it's me. You still live here?"

"Unfortunately. This your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, Sebastian."

While Sebastian's usually confident and professional when he greets new people, he's totally caught off guard. Instead of studying, he'd been fooling around for the last hour, slipping into a child-like headspace, "hi. Um, Sebastian Smythe."

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