Birthdays are for Breaking the Rules - epilogue

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"Today's my long day at the studio, remember?" Blaine packs up lunch for himself, his daughter, and his boyfriend, "you sure you don't mind picking her up after school?"

"Of course not! I'll never pass up an opportunity to be with our girl," Sebastian moves forward to give Blaine a kiss before leaving. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Audrey hold her face in her hands, blushing sweetly. "I'll get you at 3:30, okay, beautiful?"

"Yes! Thank you!"

"Maybe we'll pick up something for dinner, too, so you don't have to worry about that."

"Would you mind?" His boyfriend nods and Blaine just has to give him another kiss, "oh my god, you're an angel."

"I've gotta get going, but I love you both. Stay safe," he points at Blaine, "and have fun at school," he then points to Audrey.

"I will," Audrey lingers on the word like she has something to add, but then seems to decide against it. "Have a good day."


True to his word, Sebastian's at the school at 3:30 sharp. He waves to the girl as soon as she comes out, causing her to rush over to meet him.

"Hi, beautiful. How was your day?"

"Good! But I can't wait for the year to be over so I can finally go to Chisholm!"

"Aww, soon enough you'll be there. Don't rush, baby, enjoy it."

"I'm trying. Hey, you're gonna teach me, right?"

"Of course. Mr. Novak teaches his daughter and they have nothing against it. As long as grading is fair, it's not a problem."

"Good. I'm really excited." She sits back in her seat, heart warmed at his subtle, yet powerful words, Mr. Novak teaches his daughter. Like he considers Audrey his daughter.

"I am too, sweet."


The plan was to pick her up from school, then grab something for dinner. So when Sebastian parks outside of the mall, Audrey's more than confused.

"Why are we at the mall? She asks, getting out anyway, because he does.

"I need to get something, but I want your opinion, is that alright?" Sebastian responds while hurrying over to shut the door for her.

"Yeah, of course. What is it?"

"Well, um-"

"Why aren't you asking Daddy's opinion? He's good at fashion-y things."

"So are you, Aud. And I can't ask Daddy; it's for him."

"Ooooh, a secret?"

"Very much so, so don't let him know we we're here today."

"Secret's safe. But can you tell me what we're looking at?"

"Yeah, um-"

"Are you nervous?!" Audrey interrupts, noticing his change in demeanor, "I rarely see you nervous."

"I am nervous, Aud. Your opinion means a lot to me right now. And I'm really hoping you'll support me in a decision I want to make."

The young girl stops in her tracks, "you're not leaving, right?"

Stopping beside her, Sebastian grabs her hands gently to hold them, "what? Of course not, beautiful. I'd never leave, I love you too much. I love your Daddy, too."

"Oh. Okay. Then what do you need help with?"

They walk until finally arriving at the silver and glimmering diamond store. Sebastian takes a deep breath, and sees Audrey's face slowly light up with realization.

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