Birthdays are for Breaking the Rules - pt 2

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"Hey daddy," Aubrey had tugged on her dad's arm the minute they left the cafe.

"Mhm? Yes, baby?"

"Do you know who gave me the cupcake? I want to thank him."

"I don't, sweets. I think Mr. Clair has an idea, but he's not sharing."

"But didn't you see him leave?"


"Didn't you see him when he was leaving? That's when you looked shocked right? And dropped your fork?"

"No, baby, I think my eyes were messing with me."

"Well who did you think you saw?" She prodded on anyway.

He hesitates before answering, "an old friend from high school."

"Oh. Uncle Mike? Uncle Nicky? Auntie Tana?"

"No, baby, you don't know him."

"But I know all your old friends."

"Not this one, Aud. It's a sensitive subject, especially with your dad."

"Dad's friend, not yours?"

"Oh no, baby. My friend. Your dad didn't like him too much."


"High school... was a difficult time. Let's just say he and I could've been better friends, but it was the wrong place at the wrong time."


"Don't worry about it, baby. It's your birthday, time to celebrate!"

The girl clapped wildly, "are we going to Auntie Rach's?"

"How'd you know?"

"Because she throws the best parties, silly! Let's go," Audrey then grabbed her dad's hand and dragged him along the sidewalk, giggling.


From that day on, Sebastian includes the 'Café de Clair' in his daily routine, staying an hour to work, then making his way back to the academy. He hasn't seen Blaine in the five times he's gone since, and honestly begins to wonder if he had imagined the man.

But the little girl's name was Audrey, and he's always had that Broadway obsession...

Also, what did Josef say? "We're both single dads?" What happened to Hummel?

Whatever, it's none of Sebastian's business. Blaine and his daughter don't need him to re-enter into Blaine's life. The man probably doesn't want Sebastian anywhere near his kid, given their history. In fact, it might be why he's never returned.

After that last thought, he tucks the business card back into his wallet, out of sight. Well, as far as it will go. It popped out again as he paid for his most recent coffee. If Blaine doesn't want his daughter near him, he probably shouldn't be in charge of raising an entire human. He can teach them, and pretty well, too, but raising one? Especially alone? The thought makes him laugh, then he sips his coffee to wash down the choked sob stuck in his throat.


The first weekend that Kurt has Audrey, Blaine goes back to the cafe desperate to talk to Josef and see if he caught the name of the mysterious cupcake giver. His hands are shaking as he opens the door, but not from the cold. The thought of running into Sebastian - or even proving if that was him - is filling him with (nervous?) (excited?) energy, and he hasn't been able to slow his heart rate from the minute he decided to do this.

"Blaine! How are you doing, Monsieur? Gee, you look like you need something warm! Is there a chill in the air today?"

"Um, I'm mostly just anxious. I have a question, Josef."

Seblaine Oneshots ❤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora