Keep You Safe (and Warm)

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"I think I'm just going to walk home," Blaine slurs his words.

The distance between him grows, figuratively and literally, as he walks away from Kurt.

"Seriously?!" Kurt yells, yet makes no attempt to chase him, nor convince him to get back in the car. He spins around with his hands in his hair, then turns back to see if Blaine had walked back. Instead, the boy is more than halfway out of the parking lot, and every once in a while, seemingly tripping over nothing. Kurt shakes his head as he gets into his car. He takes one more look at Blaine through his rear view mirror, but can't see him. Turning on his engine, he texts his boyfriend to let him know when he gets home, then drives home himself.

Blaine wanders along the main road, trying to remember which one will get him back to Westerville. He unlocks his phone to pull up his maps app, clicking on his home address. The estimated time of arrival says one hour, as long as he continues on this road for three miles then gets on US-33. What he misses, however, is that it is a one-hour drive. The fact that he's walking makes it a whole 'nother ballgame that didn't even cross his mind.

At the top of his screen, he sees a notification. It's a message from Kurt, but the words are too small for him to be able to read them with his foggy head. Then, he notices his battery on low. He groans, stumbles, then throws his hands up to regain balance. Luckily the guardrail is there for support, and he won't go tumbling down the hill. One beer fucked him up this much; he tried to remember if he drank anything else that night. Maybe it was the endorphins of letting his stresses go on the dancefloor. Or maybe he was lovesick.

Immediately as the thought comes, he shakes his head like an etch-a-sketch to get it to go away. This just makes him more dizzy, though, and he does use the guardrail to keep himself up on his feet. He saunters like a bear for a couple more minutes, trudging through the grass. Every once in a while, headlights shine the path in front of him. The first few cars, he thinks it's Kurt picking him up, but the hope stops after the fourth drives by without even slowing. He quickly starts to get paranoid that someone will slow down beside him and he won't be able to escape if they're dangerous. The situation gets worse when Blaine feels a chill and looks up to see the first dusting of snow begin to fall. He whimpers to himself, pulling his arms in and cursing himself for forgetting a coat.

The nightmare becomes true when a black car approaches him. At first it was going the normal speed limit, but the driver slowed down as he gets nearer. Blaine takes deep breaths to avoid panicking and looking nervous. He avoids eye contact and keeps walking. That is, until the driver calls his name.

"Blaine? Is that you?"

He recognizes the voice and stops in his tracks. Due partially to fear and partially to cold, he's slow to turn towards the car. Looking at it, he has to duck to see the driver. The deep pit of worry in his stomach clears when he sees Sebastian, staring at him, concerned.

"Hi," he responds, not knowing what else to say.

"What are you doing out here?" Sebastian asks, but then notices the snow picking up, "never-mind, get in."

Blaine doesn't hesitate. He fumbles with the door handle before opening the passenger door and getting inside. Sebastian turns on his hazard lights, then brings his attention back towards Blaine. He touches his arm.

"Thank god you have on long sleeves, but still, you must be freezing."

Blaine's too cold to even reply. He feels his teeth chattering. Sebastian takes his hand off to adjust the buttons and knobs, turning up the heat and seat heaters. The blast of warmth hits the boy immediately, causing him to release a deep breath he didn't know he was holding.

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