New York Nationals - part 4

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a/n: Hi! So I may have left this fic in the dust for some time, but I am back with it now. I'm in a time of massive writer's block and there's nothing in my head, but in trying to get back in the swing of things, this is the wip I decided to work on. I'm so sorry for not updating since JUNE 😬. Also, in re-reading the fic to get a sense of where it was going, I realized I included David although this takes place in season 4. Um... just... ignore that. Oops. I'm not going to go back and write him out, I'm too tired for that. Maybe he was just in the same year as Blaine all along 🙃. But anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and hopefully the last couple parts will not take literal months for me to write. 💖


With cars parked and luggage in hand, the Warblers gather together in the New York hotel as their teacher does a head count.

"How was your drive into the city?" Trent asks the boys across from him, who are fighting the urge to hold hands as they wait. While parking, they decided it would be best to keep their relationship a secret until they return to Ohio, or at least until after the competition. The group are hyper enough without the announcement, which would certainly send them flying off the rails. Then we'd probably get a talk from Dawson, Sebastian shudders, and might get separated.

"Surprisingly not bad. I counted the weird shit we saw on the streets after passing through the tunnel. Saw a clown, a woman with a parrot on her shoulder, and a man controlling another man via a collar and leash. Definitely expected more weird, but we'll probably see that on the way to the restaurant later. Or as I'm calling it, the foot tour."

"I bet there's a better name for that. Sebastian, is it anything like Paris?"

"Not at all alike. People here look like they take crack with their coffee."

"They probably do," Blaine mutters, "how was your guys' drive?"

"Oh David had a whole breakdown. Yeah, him, plus his truck, plus Nick and Jeff, plus the city. It was not good. Lots of yelling and missed turns. We had to turn down this one street but it was too narrow for the truck and he almost hit a trash barrel. Jeff cried. How was Josh?"

"Oh, he rode the bus."

"Wait, really? You could've taken Nick, why didn't you tell me?"

Mr. Dawson's voice interrupts before Sebastian can come up with an excuse, "everyone up to the second floor, let's go!"

Finally out of the crowded lobby, Mr. Dawson hands out key cards for his students to take, again in pairs of two. They were all instructed to find their rooms, get comfortable, then responsibly spend the next five hours before Nationals.

"I also realize some of you have parents that flew in. They should be arriving in the next twenty minutes to two hours depending on which flight they took. Anderson, I know your mom texted me she landed just recently. Harwood, yours gave me an ETA of 1:20 p.m. Note, I didn't require your parents to give me this information, your two's just did anyway, so your parents might be coming and I just don't know. If someone does see someone else's parent, please let them know. Additionally, the same rules apply to this hotel: tell me where you're going and be respectful of other people and staff. Try not to wander around the city, if you do, get as many in a group as you can. Okay, good?" When heads nod in response, Dawson dismisses the students and they go to their separate rooms.

Sebastian barely looks around before slamming himself into the bed and yawning, "I'm so tired from that traffic."

"We'll definitely be taking a nap during some of this five hour period."


"Is that okay? If I nap with you?"

"Of course it's okay, I just didn't know you were gonna nap."

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