Pomegranate Juice

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"Dude, that's so messy," Nick looks over to his friend.

"I know, but it's so good," Blaine responds, handing him a piece.

He takes it and peels the seeds from the skin, staining his fingers in the process.

Blaine has been munching on the pomegranate fruit for a while now, causing his fingers to be a dark red. The juice has run down his arm and dripped onto the table, with the paper towel he laid underneath saturated, obviously failing at its job. At first he tried to control the mess, but soon gave up.

Just then, Jeff comes over to remind them of the day's plans, "are you guys still watching the lacrosse game? It's home so you don't really have an excuse to miss it. Unless you're too busy with whatever the hell that is."

"You've never seen pomegranate?" Nick questions.

"I've seen it, not as a fruit, just as seeds. Didn't know it would make you look like a vampire when you tried to eat it."

"You didn't recognize it? Fruit of the gods; Persephone?" Blaine asks, to which he shakes his head 'no', "Don't you pay attention in English? We just had a mythology lesson."

He just shrugs, "is that why you're eating it?"

"No, it's good. Try." Blaine peels off another piece and hands it to Jeff, who's face looks incredible unsure of the fruit he's being given. Nevertheless, he tries a seed, and joins the pink-hands-club.

"I guess it is good. But we still have that lacrosse game, so get ready. It's in, like, twenty minutes and I want my friends with me."

"Ok, yeah, let me go wash my hands," Blaine says, getting up from his seat, "Nick, you?"

He shakes his head and starts licking his fingers instead.

"Oh my god," Blaine mutters, then heads to the bathroom alone.

On the way down the hall, he keeps his hands up like a doctor does to remain sterile. Though in his situation, he's just trying to keep the juice from dripping off onto the extravagant floor. He links his arm around the door to pull it open and finally reaches the sink. The water began to wash down some of it, but most had already dried on his skin. Blaine sighs, realizing it would take two or three rounds of soap to get it all gone.

Behind him, he hears one of the bathroom doors open, then the sink turn on and soap dispenser vibrate. He doesn't think much of it, assuming the person will just wash his hands and go, but he forgets his hands look kinda like a crime scene.

Suddenly, he hears, "oh my god, Blaine!" and the person rushes over to inspect his arm. He looks over to see Sebastian, wearing a frantic expression on his face.

Caught of guard, Blaine reassures, "oh no, it's no big deal."

"What? You're bleeding; are you okay? Wait, I can get a teacher," he makes a dash for the door.

"No, no, Sebastian!" He yells quickly, before the boy can disappear, "it's not blood, see?"

He pumps the dispenser twice, then points his hands at Sebastian, rubbing them together. The soap turns pink. He rinses his hands, which are now a dilute shade of red rather than the burgundy they were seconds prior. Sebastian, however, just gives him a blank stare, not fully convinced.

"Seb, it's okay."

He gets more soap and scrubs down his arms. The soap turns pink again, but the tint is lighter. The second time Blaine rinses, his fingers and arms are clean.

Sebastian moves forward and watches the bubbles swarm the drain. He looks at Blaine, then grabs his hand again to check for a wound site.

"It's just pomegranate juice, Seb, it's okay. I'm okay. I promise."

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