New York Nationals - part 3

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So worn out, neither got a chance to decide what last night meant to them. What are they now? Lovers? Friends with benefits? Two guys who sleep together and pretend it never happened? That's what Sebastian's deciding right now as he watches Blaine sleep. And he's really hoping it's the first option.

Yeah, yeah, it's well known that Sebastian's not the dating type. He's made that known to everyone he's ever slept with and anyone who's ever known about his 'nighttime habits'. Yet with Blaine, it's different. It's always been different. Since day one after meeting him, not being able to focus in lacrosse practice and immediately learning the consequences, he's known it's been different. God, that would be an embarrassing story to tell Blaine. But I'll only tell him if he wants a relationship, too.

He doesn't even know why he even wants a relationship. Is it his ass, so round and adorable? Or hair, that's curly when he leaves it be? Or ability to sing and dance? Could it be that he's literally a puppy dog that Sebastian wants to care for and show love? Is it that he's the sweetest person he's ever met, but has his sassy moments too? Is it all the above and more? Definitely.

It's definitely all. And that's why Sebastian's been utterly in love with him for months now. It was a blessing when he had finally broken up with Kurt and transferred. Though he was so close yet so far away for so long until this trip. He hopes Blaine wants a relationship as much as he does. He just can't stand anyone else touching or loving this boy, nor does he ever want to show that to anyone else besides Blaine. It took him a while, but he's come to accept the fact he's in love with him. The hard part is convincing Blaine and everyone else he's serious.

Looking over, Sebastian sees only seven minutes have passed since he's woken up. His alarm was set for six-fifteen in the morning so that he and Blaine would have enough time to get ready and eat before making the next half of the drive. Well, half being three hours to New York since they've already driven the five to Pennsylvania. Good thing Mr. Dawson isn't the math teacher.

Back to his point, Sebastian woke up when his alarm went off, but Blaine looked too peaceful to disturb, so he's hoping the boy will wake up on his own soon. Unfortunately, the need for coffee is becoming overwhelming, and Sebastian might have to pry Blaine off his body. The small boy currently has an arm over his chest, a leg over one of his, and his nose buried in his neck. Like a puppy, he confirms.

"Hey, Blainey," he whispers, then kisses his nose gently.

The boy stirs, blinking slowly, "hi?"

"Hi, gorgeous. I'm sorry to wake you, do you want me to get you a coffee? I know you're not a morning person, so you can sleep longer and I'll bring you something."

"Where are we?"

"Did you sleep that well? Bébé, we're in a hotel on the way to Nationals."

"Oh, right. What time is it?"

"Six-twenty. I wanted to wake up early for food and coffee. And so it's Niff making us all late and not us."

Blaine chuckles, "Niff. Do you think they slept together last night?"

"I have no idea. I think we'd hear them, though."

"Do you think people heard us?"

"I don't know, B."

"Hope Josh did," he mutters, yawning.

"Blaine! You're still in that sassy mood."

"Yep. But you love me," he teases.

"I do. Now, coffee?" Sebastian's quick to change the subject because he's for sure Blaine's talking about a platonic love between them. Blaine doesn't need to know he truly loves him if he doesn't feel the same.

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