Birthdays are for Breaking the Rules - pt 1

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a/n: edited; originally published 11/6/22


"Make a wish, Aud," Blaine smiles to his daughter across the table. She does, then goes to blow out the candle, "and watch your hair." Last minute, the girl pushes her blonde locks out of the way, just barely missing the flame.

"Thank you, daddy," she giggles.

"Aren't you gonna tell me what you wished for?"

"No! That's bad luck, it won't come true!"

"Aww, snap," he jokes, snapping his fingers along with it.

"You try that every year!"

"You know I do it just to see your adorable little smile."

"Shush! Can I eat this cupcake now?"

"Of course. Birthdays are for breaking the rules."

Audrey smiles again, then peels back the lining only a bit before taking a bite. White icing immediately covers her nose and lips, making her bust out into a fit of giggles as her dad watches. When he offers a napkin, she only shrugs, taking another bite.


Against his usual routine, Sebastian enters a new coffee shop at a new hour of the day. It's not often he breaks routine, but his boss had already done it once for him this morning, so he might as well work around that change.

Over winter break, his 10:10 to 11:10 class got switched with his co-worker's 11:40 to 12:30 class, effectively confusing his entire class and himself. Now, Sebastian has a free period right before lunch instead of right after. In a way, despite his annoyance, this suits him better. A cup of coffee and a pastry always has, and always will be, more appealing than a huge sandwich with some bubbly soda, which is, of course, all over New York.

So, on his first day back, Sebastian seeks out a place he's never been. A short walk from the academy brings him to a coffee shop with the words, "come inside and get warm" painted on the glass. A quick peek inside reveals a fireplace in the center, with a comfortable few people inside. Then, when a sudden gust of winter air hits an exposed spot on his neck, the man shrugs and opens the door, deciding to try it out.

A gentle, polite greeting is the first thing he hears, coming from the man behind the counter. Sebastian nods to him in acknowledgment but doesn't approach, still surveying the new environment. By the window sits a woman in her twenties, typing on her laptop. A man by the fireplace enjoys his coffee and a book in peace. Two girls sit side-by-side, holding hands, on a booth, laughing softly. In the corner is a young girl and her father. A pink balloon is tied to her chair, which reads the number "11" on it.

"How can I help you?" The barista asks when he finally reaches the counter.

"I've been trying new things today. Have any coffee specials?"

"Yes! Our specialty is a brown sugar cinnamon latte. If you prefer a mocha, the chili pepper mocha is really good. We also have chai teas, with many different flavors. And if you need a little fixin' from the cold outside, we can add a shot of bourbon or schnapps in any drink. I'll need your I.D. of course, though."

"Ooh, that sounds good. Unfortunately, I have to teach after this so that's probably not the best idea. I will be back, though, at the end of the day, to try that sometime. But for now, I'll get a brown sugar cinnamon latte."

"Okay, and anything else?"

"Hmm, let me read these sandwiches for a second."

"No problem. I'll get started on this and get you when you're ready."

Seblaine Oneshots ❤Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon