14 - Screw The Standards

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[Luke's POV]

Little by little the end of the festival came. The last performance of the day was between Daniel and a friend of his called Duke. When the song started Daniel was kinda nervous and sang off key; but Duke lead him through the song and Daniel started singing through the song properly.

It was beautiful and mesmerising their voice blended so well together and their song was so well written. After the song ended everyone cheered at Daniel and Duke, but it seemed like Daniel was the only one receiving the complete cheer of the audience as many quickly forgot about Duke's rap.

Tasteless rats.

We were waiting the whole day for our housemate to come over but she didn't come either.. only later did I find out she had to go out suddenly for work.

After the festival a lot of things happened.

Vasco and Daniel got a lot closer, they're almost best friends now.

Duke started a Live stream on a site called Paprika where he raps and stuff. Apparently lots of people were making fun of him but he did have some supporters pop in every now and then.

And of course yours truly became a spokes person of Duke and made him famous throughout our family which made him earn quite a lot of fans and supporters.

"Why the hell are you so quiet like you're narrating your life in your mind or something??" Lucy complains leading me somewhere.

"Cause I need to keep updating my braincells of what's been happening" I reply earning a dry laugh from her.

We walk down a somewhat lonely street that was lit by some streetlights which were too far apart and the moonlight which did better than them.

"Hey look at the cutie over there-" Lucy points at a short chubby boy who was working at the counter of a convenience store, "- he looks so innocent and gullible I wanna mess with him".

Now normally I'm her leash. She can't go out of control when I'm around. But that don't mean we don't mess around together. We just make sure nobody gets hurt from it that's all~

"Leggoo" I cheer as she goes in before me.

Before entering the store I mess up my hair and unbutton two buttons at the top of my shirt which exposed my chest a bit- damn I feel like Jace and Vasco

Voila I look like a ruffian!

I walk inside the store, hands in pockets and scowl etched on my face.

"Hey mate can I get a M*lboro?" I ask looking down on the chubby boy.

Awe he's so cute I wanna squish his cheeks!! Nope gotta stay calm and aloof, can't let his cuteness conquer.

"This too" Lucy walks over from the shelves and places a condom on the counter.

Oh my Goddess! Lucy you're bloody brilliant!!

"Um.. aren't you highschool kids?" He asks shocking us.

"What? Hah do we look like some kids to you?" I lean down at him with a mean smirk. I'll be waiting for my Oscar.

"I'm gonna need some ID please"

"Hell nah man, if you want recognition I got a friend in my pocket that I ain't afraid to use"

He looked scared and swallows a bit before speaking again, "I'm sorry I can't sell you this".

Lucy lets out a huff before jumping over the counter to his side and slinging an arm over his shoulder, "listen here kid, what's your name?"


"Well Danny, I got a friend with that name too, and right now you remind me of him"


"Stuttering just like that, y'know what I feel like telling him when he's acting like a doof?"

Clerk Danny was frozen in fear as Lucy gave her sinister evil smirk.

"Why the hell do you have to be so cute if I can't have you??" She pinches both of Danny's cheeks and coos at him pecking his forehead and cheeks repeatedly like he was a puppy.


"Here she passed me this when she was behind me-" I state placing a energy drink on the counter, "-we don't actually want any of those things, you just looked so cute from outside we wanted to come and tease ya".

"It must be hard working so late, and I'm not really gonna ask whether you go to school or not, but right now we know you're doing the best you can and we just wanna say, you're amazing" Lucy concludes before jumping over the counter again.

"Oop I want some snacks" I chirp and dip to the snacks aisle, "is it alright if we ate them here?"

"Y-yeah" he replies making Lucy squeal again.

"Awe clerk Danny is so cute!! I wanna kiss him some more!"

"Awe c'mon the kid has suffered enough of you squishing him, even I wanna squish that cuteness but that's just rude"

"Y-you guys think I'm.... cute?" Danny asks looking confused.

"Of course, you may not be tall and slim and all that, but you're still so sweet and chubby and cute and oh my gosh I just wanna eat him up" Lucy ends up squealing over him again.

"Same sis same" I state placing some snacks on the counter for him to ring up as I fetched my wallet.

"You're really strange"

"Heh you're not the first person to say that"

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