26. Coronation

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Dream POV

"I'm freaking out! What do I do?!" I clutch my head as I turn in frantic circles.

"Relax," Y/N says, her hands resting gently on mine.

"Your suit's being dry cleaned, your hair will have time to dry, and Wilbur will be the one to announce you as king. All you have to do is walk up there and agree to everything he says," she grins.

"It's not that simple."

"I know," she puts her arms around the back of my neck and hugs me. "But you'll figure it out."

Sapnap runs in holding a bag.

"Your suit's here!"

"Thanks, Sapnap," she says. "Go get ready, it's in less than 3 hours"

He nods and leaves quickly.

"Ack! Less than 3 hours!" A wave of nervousness crashes over me again.

"Shhhhh," she smiles and pulls out the suit. "Don't worry"

The suit is black but has a slight green tint to it.

"C'mon let me see how it fits," she hands it to me.


I quickly put it on and stand in front of the mirror.

She comes by my side and adjusts it.

"You look so hot."

"What are you wearing?" I ask.

"You'll see," she smiles mysteriously.

I feel her slip something under my shirt on top of my heart.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Adding something that may or may not come in handy. Just don't touch it in case it moves."

"You're scaring me," I say.

She laughs and stands back to admire me.

"Just breathe."

I breathe in deeply and out again.

"I have to go get ready but I'll see you at the ceremony."

Y/N disappears down the hall to get changed.

I look at myself in the mirror.

Breathe. Everything will be fine. What will they think of me? I hope I can rule this kingdom as a kind,  just ruler, not as a tyrant.

I sit on the bed and read a book called the History of the End. It's a tale about a very real dimension with ender men and women, a dragon queen, and huge cities in the sky.

"Dream?" Y/N asks. She pops her head in. "Ready?"


She walks in and I gasp. Her perfect
Y/H/C is curled into gentle waves that fall past her shoulders. A violet mid-length dress comes down to just below her knees. Her silver necklace, bracelet, earrings, and ring match perfectly. Her face is highlighted here and there with makeup.

"You look beautiful," I smile and take her hand.

"I'll be right at the front when you get there," she says, kissing me. "They'll love you."

Then she goes and a few minutes later, Callahan, the new castle squire, and healer enters.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," I say.

"Follow me please."

I follow Callahan to the throne room and I see a red carpet has been laid out stretching from the entrance of the castle to the pathway of the village. I walk down slowly smiling at the people. I spot Sapnap and George in the crowd.

The crowd cheers with joy.

They actually like me!

I reach the end of the carpet and Wilbur stands there.

On a pedestal sits a golden crown and standing next to it, is Y/N.

I stand in front of Wilbur but stare directly at her.

You're doing great! She mouths.

I smile and look at Wilbur.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I here present to you Dream, your undoubted King of the Smp."

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this Smp fairly and make the right decisions for good of the people?"

"I promise and swear."

"Will you use your power accordingly and always judge fairly?"

"I will."

"Will you treat your people with kindness and fight for them until the very end?"

"I will."

"Then it is my great honor and pleasure..."

Y/N hands Wilbur the crown and I kneel in front of him.

He raises the crown above my head.

For so long I schemed to be in this position for power and glory but now, I'm here to do something better.

"To present to you, Dream, your King of the Smp!"

He places the crown on my head and the crowd cheers and claps. I stand up and face them. I smile and wave.

Just as I step down from the podium, an arrow is fired from the crowd straight at my heart.

The crowd screams and breaks to see who shot the arrow. Tommy holds a crossbow and Tubbo, Quackity, and Jack stand around him.

Tommy raises his sword but Sapnap, already wearing his armor, crashes into Tommy and attacks him. The crowd follows and the attackers flee.

"Dream!" Y/N says.

She pulls out the arrow and smiles.

"I guessed right," she says.

There is no blood, the arrow pierced through my suit and shirt but stopped at the pad of netherite underneath.

"Thank you," I say and hug her tightly.

The crowd pulls back to reveal, Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, and Jack being restrained by Punz, Sapnap, Sam, and Eret.

"Take them to the dungeons," I order. "We'll deal with this later. Let's not let them ruin the festivities!"

They are dragged away as the music begins the play. We dance all day long into the night.

"See I told you it would be fine," Y/N says as I spin her around.

"When did you say that?"

I smile and hug her closer.

"I have a suggestion, your Majesty," she says.

"Oh really?" I say.

"You should have knights to guard the kingdom. Pick knights who are loyal, strong, and brave."

"I'll make that my first duty as King."

We dance for what seems like hours until the party ends and everyone heads home.

I make my way up to the bedroom and take off my suit.

Shit, it's already ruined because of Tommy.

"Tired?" Y/N asks with a yawn.

"Yeah," I mumble.

I change and quickly get into bed. She snuggles in after me.

"Goodnight you Majesty."

"Goodnight," I say as I kiss her.


1,045 words

I'm so tired. It's 2 am rn and I have school tomorrow.

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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