f o r t y - s i x

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[The cursives in the beginning are parts of the answer on the forum. You don't need to read them, I understand how lengthy they are.]

I open the mail.

Assalamualeikum and all and a few ahadiths until they reach to the point.

Talaaq is a right of a man (...) and although only his intention counts when a metaphor is used, e.g. (...)

The condition according to the majority of fuqaha' is that he should have the intention of divorce when writing, because he may intend by writing it that divorce should take place or he may intend something else, such as upsetting his wife. So divorce does not take place in writing unless there is the intention to that effect.


If a person does not speak the word of divorce or write it with his own hand, but he is presented with a paper on which the word of divorce to his wife is written and is asked to sign it and does so, then reference should be made to his intention at the time of signing.

If he had decided to divorce and was intending to do so, then it counts as a divorce. If he wrote it but did not intend to divorce, then it does not count as a divorce. That is because signing is not a clear statement of divorce, and that which is not a clear statement could not be ruled to count as a divorce except with the intention of divorce. There are some scholars who think that signing on its own does not count as a divorce in any case.

My heart beats with hope after every line.

So the written talaaq was not valid?

My heart winces, but he said the words too.

But if the word talaaq is spoken clearly three times, then it's an irrevocable act and (...) hence there's no expiation for it.

The sunnah with regard to divorce (talaaq) is that the man should divorce his wife during a period of purity (i.e., when she is not menstruating or bleeding following childbirth) in which he has not had intercourse with her. If he divorces her during the period of purity in which he has had intercourse with her, it counts as a divorce according to the majority of scholars.

But some scholars are of the view that this is an innovated divorce (talaaq bid'i) and does not count as such.

What scholars am I supposed to believe in?

The majority is against me.

I'm about to shut it saving all the ache in my heart when my eyes land on another but.

But a divorce under any type of compulsion isn't regarded as an authentic divorce.

(hadith for reference)

Our advice to you is to consult local scholars in your community directly; they are more aware of the reality of life there and are more able to identify the apt manner to apply the relevant religious rulings.

Allah Knows best.

My spoon drops down in the bowl of cereal and I read the answer again.

But a divorce under compulsion isn't regarded as an authentic divorce.

I look at the time and it's 9:42AM, so I rush out with my CV and other documents.

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