Chapter 57 - The Other pt. 2

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"If I were to leave now..." she whispered.

"You'll go where?"

    Her eyes widened.

    (Y/N) froze up as she heard footsteps approach her from behind. She glanced down at her knife laying by the edge of the fire and quickly reached for it and whipped around to point it at the intruder. She surprised the intruder and caused them to fling her weapon from her hands without even touching it.

    The fire illuminated who it was and (Y/N) would've dropped the knife anyways from shock.

"Y- Yama?!"

"You seem to have gotten quicker while I was gone. You surprisingly caught me off guard." The doctor exclaimed while levitating her knife back into her open hands.

    It's been more than a week since (Y/N) has last seen Yama. Her last memory of him was of him telling her to run while he distracted the Outsiders. She may have still gotten caught but he was helping her escape. She wanted to thank him for that. "Where did you go? You weren't with Ki and Akai when they came to get me."

"Oh, that..." the demon took a seat on one of the boxes near the fire. He leaned back against a shelf and kicked his feet up on a smaller box while (Y/N) watched him curiously. "Let's just say I'm not welcomed anymore. The big idiot you're with, Ki was it? He threatened to kill me on sight the next time we meet."

"What? Why?" During the time Yama was around, he and Ki barely interacted. Yama was mostly either gone or with his brother and Ki preferred to be on his lonesome. Something must've happened during the week she was gone.

    The doctor shrugged. "Well, I accidentally stoked the fire a little bit. Nothing too bad."

'That doesn't explain much...' (Y/N) thought.

"Anyways, where is my brother? I can sense him around here and I know for sure you wouldn't be able to last a day by yourself."

    She glared at him. She would rather be by herself than with two chaotic demons. At least she'll have freedom and not be locked inside a room against her will. "I don't know where Akai is. I'm locked in here!" She motioned around the entire room to emphasize her point.

    Yama hummed as his red eyes panned around the room. 'So they lost trust in her? Interesting...'

"I don't even know what building we're in and there's no other way out of this roo-..." (Y/N) stopped and narrowed her eyes at the demon across from her. "How did you get in here?"

    He lazily pointed a gloved finger upwards and (Y/N) followed it towards the ripped ceiling. The ceiling was high up, he must have scaled the building and managed his way inside without her noticing. That unnerved her a little... She's forgotten how different the twins were. Akai's more loud while Yama prefers the sneaky route.

"If you want, I can carry you out of here?" He simply offered.

    She widened her eyes and looked at him. "Really?!"

    Yama noticed how excited she got from hearing that. The map in her hands, the little food she was cooking, and the words he overheard her saying all pointed to her planning on escaping. This was amusing to him since he sees her as someone who constantly needs help but now she was trying to help herself. In a way, he felt a little teeny bit proud of this. Although he doesn't care about humans and (Y/N) is no exception, he did enjoy their small conversations since she has an intelligent brain unlike his brother and the quiet one.

    Too bad she wouldn't last for very long in any scenario. With demons or not.

"I can help you out of here, yes. But you're not ready to be on your own yet."

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