chapter 31

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(Authors note: hey guys, im backkkk. we're at the end of the story, please don't judge me for my mistakes and for deleting my original plan for the ending, and just enjoy the fluff compared to the angst i was gonna give you all.)

Waking up every day, dreading the day ahead was hard, and that didn't change.

It was the day that Ochako wanted to put her plan into use, and his extra fucking hero training with Aizawa... not to mention he planned to come clean to his classmates to make sure they don't snitch on him the following Monday.

It was going to be a shitty, long day.


Feet stomping with grouchy-ness, he marched his way into the kitchen, getting an eyeful of Ochako making breakfast for the two.

"Hi Bakugou-kun, you'll need some fuel for today!! Go sit down whilst I make it, Hehe."

"Gosh I really will, won't I?" He grumbled sarcastically, not being happy with the situation. He just wanted to be lazy in his bed the whole weekend, starving his body. As per usual. But due to unfortunate circumstances, he had to change his ways.

He sat at a table, resting his head on his hand, depressed about the whole situation, not to mention angry.

Ochako swung around, cheerful, and slapped two plates of boiled eggs and bread in front of herself and Katsuki.

"C'mon, let's dig in!!"


Katsuki shoved around his food on the plate, squishing his eggs into a mash that could go on his toast.

Now he was just staring at his mashed boiled eggs on toast, and questioning his life decisions.

Looking up from her half-finished plate, Ochako frowned at Katsuki's display of unwilling-ness to eat the food.

"Go on Bakugou, the breakfast won't eat itself!"

He stared her down, angry at her, yet mostly himself.

It seemed her encouragement didn't get across to Bakugou.

"Please, Bakugou. If not for you, for me? Or literally any other person that cares about you."

With his eyebrows slanting more per second, he picked up the bread and shoved it in his mouth. Chewing and ripping it like a savage, just trying to get it over with.

Yet he was also so desperate to eat SOMETHING, that just that little food, gave him the impulse to eat more. Then maybe a little more after.

He knew those impulses always led to binging though, so he stuck to just that piece of bread.

Midoriya, Kirishima and a few other walked in, and gawked awkwardly at the sight of Bakugou's animalistic eating.

"Thats the spirit Bakugou!!" Uraraka exclaimed.

It seemed that Uraraka being next to him was even more of a sight to see.

They barely really talk outside of training stuff and homework, and now they were all buddy-buddy.

It was kinda obvious to a few people that it was Ochako who had gotten Katsuki to eat, a few other dense people (like Kirishima, who wasn't so great at putting pieces together) just thought it coincidence that they were sitting together, whilst Katsuki was eating.

The group of people walked over to the table and sat down, starting small talk.

"So Katsuki," Hagakure started, "You ready for extra training today?"

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