Chapter 4- Wonderful Guy

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Chapter 4

Bucky P.O.V

I sit down in a chair at Stark Tower. In my hands lays one of my guns and I casually clean it. Occasionally I run a hand through my hair and sigh because I have nothing to do, but clean my guns. My feet sit on the table and my ankles are crossed.

I glance over at Emily who's been slaving over a computer for the last half hour since she accepted the mission Fury gave her.

These past few days she's been showing a lot of emotions and I know she's been bottling them up like sand from the beach. I didn't know how she was feeling and I surely never noticed we winced when we saw her scar.

After Fenrir had lunged at her and then disappeared along with Loki and Hel, she had massive amounts of blood running from the deep cut. I quickly grabbed her while flying her suit and took her to the infirmary on Asgard.

They stitched her up and had white gauze on her face. It took her at least a week and a half to get over the pain of speaking. I know what it's like though and I wish it would help her. My arm is something I'll always have to live with and it's like a scar to me, but she accepted me, even when I killed thousands of people and many innocent people.

I set my gun down on the table and walk over, wrapping my arms around her waist. She settles back into my arms with a sigh and I kiss her head. Her hair smells like lavender and I love that.

"I love you." I say to her and she exhales.

"I love you too." She says to me and I smile into her hair.

"Thank you." I say and she turns around in my arms and I lean my forehead against hers. I can smell the fruity taste of gum she had earlier.

"For what?" She asks me and I look into her eyes.

"For loving me, accepting what I've done, not caring about my arm and so much more. You saved me and I will always love you." I say and I see her smile.

"Thank you." She says and I look at her. She doesn't have to thank me for anything.

"For what?" I ask and she sighs.

"For loving me, for accepting my scar, for always being here through the times I break down and just want to scream, and for coming to Stark Tower the day after I arrived." She says with a smile and I chuckle.

"Now come on slacker, we need to finish this mission." Her mouth drops open and I laugh at her response.

"Oh really?" She places her hands on her hips and raises and eyebrow at me.

"Yes, really." I say and she walks towards me slowly.

"I'm pretty sure I have been searching while you've been cleaning those guns of yours." She says smartly and I grip her arms.

"We won't complete the mission without weapons, doll." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Well I have a suit, you know. I also have these babies!" She holds up her arms and their red and laughs. "I could burn you easily." She says and I chuckle.

"We're not talking about me, but the people who can do the exact same thing." I smart her and she rolls her eyes.

"When did you get so smart?" She runs her hands through my hair. My mouth drops open and she giggles.

"That was just mean, Em. I mean was I never smart before I met you?" I fake having tears in my eyes. She laughs and kisses my cheek.

"You've always been smart, you have me though!" She says and I smile.

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