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Okay guys I think it's time. 

Two and almost a half stories later, I'm asking all my fans to participate in a Question and Answer.

The thing is, I'm having a few characters from an alternate universe join me.

I'm willing to bet a few people have read the book Taming a Flame by @kristybauer7

So her characters, The Fantastic Four and Violet will be joining in on answering your questions along with Emily and The Avengers from this current books. If you wish you can also ask Colonel Rhode and older characters from my book, along with Loki and Hydra questions.

I also will give you a few days to ask these questions, then I will answer. Within that time, I still will be updating so don't worry about that.

Now please fire away with your awesome questions and I will have the best time answering them.

Thanks and Enjoy!


P.S Please enjoy the random grammer video, I thought it was hilarious or cool whatever! Oh and the Age of Ultron picture!!

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