Chapter 27- Beginning of the end

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Chapter 27

Emily P.O.V

Burning sensations burn through my head and black covers my eyes and I close them. The weird thing is that I don't feel like I'm going to pass out, I don't feel sick at all. I take deep breaths and soon enough the pain burns off and my clenched fists loosen.

I stay there kneeling on the ground and I make myself relax, but still have alertness on. I put my palms on the ground and open my eyes, staring at the tiled floor. The tiles gleam and the light shines down on it. I can see reflections and I see the team and the added face of a Titan.

It's time to begin again.

My hand slips down to my boot and I grab onto a dagger. I feel something sharp pierce my back and I grit my teeth in anger not pain. I put two hands on the ground and one of the grips the dagger tightly. I drop my chest down and then push myself away from the thing and spin around kicking my legs out and disconnecting the knife from his grasp.

I stay still for a split second and hear gasps before I spin off the ground, burying the dagger into the neck of the Titan. My eyes scan through the Titans in the room and I assess the weapons they have on them.

They have odd Alien guns, swords and daggers. That's the weapons, they have helmets on and armor that's a very pale green. My free hand twitches a little towards my gun and out of the corner of my eyes I see a glint of silver and see Logan's claws come out.

"Logan?" I ask not taking my eyes off them. I hold my eye up and see a figure moving slightly above me and I know he's the one their planning to use to kill me.

"I hear them." His rough voice comes out and I give a slight nod. My thumb and middle finger press together and I put pressure, rubbing them against each other, making a snap. The Asgardian clothes appear on me and right after I did that, everything turns to chaos.

The guy above me flies down and I swirl around, drawing my Asgardian sword. I clash it against his and then duck as he swings it at my head and my sword gets buried into his chest. I see Logan stabbing and pulling his claws out of Titan's chests and soon they're all down and Loki stands there wide eyed.

I didn't even notice him come into the room.

Bruce shifts into the Hulk which I notice he didn't yet which is surprising. Hulk grabs Loki and smashes him against the wall like a limb rag doll. I tried to count how many times, but I lost after a hundred. Soon he got bored and moved onto Chloe, Hel and Fenrir, which Chloe cannot control the hulk because she's weakened from using it earlier.

Bucky had walked up to me as the Hulk smashed them after finally being let free. I'm currently laying my head against his chest with my arms wrapped around his waist. He has his chin in my head and his arms wrapped around me and I sigh deeply.

I guess this is the end, the end of the path that we've been on with Loki. Thor walks forward and gathers the discarded bodies that the Hulk used. He's gone back to crushing Loki against the walls of Stark Tower and from the looks, Dad is enjoying it.

"I love you." I look into the twinkling blue eyes of my husband.

"I love you more." He looks into my eyes with a smile.

"Can you bring Pepper back before you go all lovebirds on us?" My dad says and I chuckle with a nod.

"Alice, please bring back Pepper." Acknowledgement comes through Alice and I nod at my dad who sighs and I roll my eyes. I turn around in Bucky's arms and lean against his chest and he kisses my hair.

A minute later a suit lands and Pepper stumbles out, obviously not used to flying in an ironman suit yet. My dad runs over and hugs her while we watch them unite. The Hulk finishes off with Loki and Maria runs off to get him a shirt and pants.

"Emily." Pepper walks up to me and I smile at her. "Emily, I need to thank you." She says and I shake my head.

"I'm just thankful you aren't mad." Everyone in the room laughs as they're happy to finally be done with this mess.

"But really we need to thank you. You used your wedding and suits." Natasha says and I chuckle and look up at Bucky.

"I couldn't have asked for a better wedding." He nods in agreement and Steve smiles at me.

"Now, I don't want to hear you're having kids in a few weeks." My dad says and I chuckle at him.

"Wait did you say you want to know you're going to have grandkids within a week?" Bucky jokes and I slap his arm chuckling.

"You need to get your hearing checked, Grandpa." My dad says and I chuckle.

"You know I think he just said he wants to be a grandpa." I look up at Bucky and he nods and the room fills with Laughter and a gun shot. That's when I scan over everyone's body and land on one which has blood soaking through the ice blue bridesmaid dress.

Pepper's hand reaches down to her stomach and it comes back with blood as she feels the wetness, I know because I've done it. Her eyes roll back into her head and she falls to the ground in a heap. I glance towards the stair well to see a man with a skull and tentacles rushing through the door.


A/N Hi my darlings!!! This is the Author racefunhorsess. Yes, there will be a book four, I've already got the cover built and ready. Thanks for reading!!!

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