Chapter 8- I'm No Hero.

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Chapter 8

Emily P.O.V

Swirls of green dance around my vision and under my eyelids. Flashes of gold spark open and burst through the green and then a dream begins.

The Avengers down and beaten, held back by chains attached to the wall. They all slump forward exhausted and beaten. Blood cakes everyone's faces and their hair sticks up every which way. Loki walks into the room along with Hel, in have dead girl form. Fenrir walks in and my hand goes onto my scar.

"The mighty Avengers team has fallen. The world they have to protect so much is weakened, the perfect time to rule. A perfect beginning to show my power is to kill one of you before everyone, before Emily." They all cringe at my name. "It shall be you." Loki's scepter is pointed at Bucky.

"No." My voice is a breathy whisper. "No!" My voice moves, higher. "NO! NO! NO! NO! Bucky! No, Bucky!" My voice cries out.


Loki holds him at-

"Emily! Wake up!" My eyes snap open and my upper body jolts upward. My face is covered in sweat and my hair sticks to my face. A hand lifts up to wipe them out of my eyes and I flinch back, still frightened by my dream. Anyone normal would've with drawled their hand, but the hand continued and a finger turned my chin.

I find myself looking into beautiful blue eyes. They comfort me and arms wrap around my body pulling me into Bucky's chest. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face into his chest. His hands rub on my back soothingly.

"Bucky." I mumble inhaling his gun powder and cologne scent. I let out a deep sigh, my shoulders still tense and stressed from the dream. It seemed so real. My hands tangle in the back of his shirt and wrap it into my fists.

"Want to talk about it?" He asks with his face buried into my neck. I can tell he's tired and needs to sleep.

"No, go back to sleep." I say and he lays down, pulling me with him. His hand is draped over my body. I lay there staring at my light stand, knowing I'm not going back to sleep. I hear his breathing even and I know he's asleep.

I slowly slip out of his grip. I grab a change of clothes and a CD from my dresser, being as quiet as I can. I open the door, only letting in a slight glow from the light in the hallways. I walk barefoot down the halls, light sounds of my foot hitting the white marble floors is heard.

I walk into the elevator and press for the gym level. I look at the clock in the elevator and notice that it's three in the morning. The doors open on the gym level and I walk into the changing room.

I know they keep cameras in here just in case people speak of being a traitor in here, but I'm not ashamed of my body and I would never turn on the team. I rip off my shirt and jeans, leaving me in a bra and jeans. My abs show and I switch into a tight leather cat suit. My combat boots get laced and my hair is placed into a French braid.

I walk out, grabbing my CD off the bench. I walk into the gym and place the album Time Stands Still by Family Force 5 into the player.

The sounds of the electric guitar flow through the player as Sweep the Leg begins playing. I wrap my hands just as they finish the opening cords that repeat over and over.


I unleash my first punch at the punching bag.


(Whoop) WHAT? (Hi-yah!)


(What?) HEY!

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