Chapter 7- Don't Pull The Trigger.

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A/N Sorry I couldn't get this in earlier, I was out with my mother and sisters most of the day. Please enjoy!!

Chapter 7

Bucky P.O.V

Well that just happened.

Emily walks out of the interrogation room leaving a startled Elise looking at a piece of paper. I watched as every crunch from the apple made Elise wince or cringe as you could hear the cracking. I could see the blank look as Emily read the file that the agent left as she pushed him out of the interrogation room.

I walk out of the observation room, to see Emily standing outside the door waiting for all of us. When we're all out of the room she speaks up.

"She's working for Loki." Our heads snap towards her. "She was revived from the dead by Loki and Hel. She's doing this as payment for bringing her back from the dead." She looks at us silently.

"What do you think they want?" Clint asks and she stares him in the eyes.

"I'm almost one hundred percent sure, they want to kill me." He looks away from her stare. "I have no idea why they want to kill me, it could be recompense for him losing the battle of New York or it could be out of pure hatred for something I might've done." She says blankly.

"What do you think we should do?" Tony asks her and she finally shows emotion in her eyes. It is anger and agony, she also feels a small amount of fear.

"Add more security on Elise. She owes Loki and he's going to make sure he gets payment. Since we know he revived her, he's got to be here on earth." She pauses. "Thor, has Heimdall seen him?"

"No he hasn't, Warrior Emily. No worries, I will stay here till this bout with Loki is over." He says and she nods her head.

Emily P.O.V

"How do we even know we can truth?" Natasha argues and I step off the wall and face her. I see her wince at the scar, but she doesn't back down from looking into my gaze.

"What makes you say that, Nat?" Clint asks and she turns to him.

"She's the daughter of a villain, we don't exactly have proof that her mother died. She could surely could be working for her mother or Loki." Natasha argues and I sigh.

"Yeah, Natasha. I gladly volunteered to have a wolf rip up the side of my face to where, when people look at me they cringe. They hold pity in their eyes and it's pathetic that one freaking scar could do that. So Black Widow, have I ever given you a reason to doubt me. Have I ever given you one pathetic reason for you to think I would betray you, my father, Bucky and the rest of the team?" I'm nose to nose with her, glaring into her eyes as all the guys watch this some amused and some scared.

"You trusted Loki's children." She says and my anger sky rockets.

"So arrest me for believing that some people aren't like their parents. Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow whatever you want to be called. IF. You. Do. Not. Believe. Me. Interrogate. Me." I poke her chest with each word I speak out.

"Is that a challenge?" She sneers and I feel anger spiking more.

"It's an order."


I'm currently sitting in and interrogation room on the other side of the table. Natasha has yet to join me, so I occupy myself with a song. I stand up from the chair and walk towards the mirror. I reach a hand out towards it.

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain

I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

When I am (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now