Chapter 18- Well, this is something new.

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Chapter 18

Emily P.O.V

"Home!" I cry as I enter the doors of Stark Tower. My eyes scan the familiar surrounds and I hear laughter behind me. We came back to the Tower and in a few days Rhodey and I have a marine funeral to go to.

Rhodey retrieves my marine suit, which actually was donated, but it is being given back for the funeral and possibly more if Hydra continues. I turn back and walk back to Bucky, wrapping an arm around him.

"I'm so glad to be back." I sigh leaning into him and he kisses my forehead.

"I'm so glad you are back." He says wrapping his metal arm around me. We step in the elevator, hand in hand. I smile as I take in all the familiarities.

The doors open and we walk out. I hear heels on the ground and I'm alert. Pepper's behind me up the sound is in front of me. I feel a hand on my back and then a brunette turns the corner and I pull out a gun pointing it at her head and she lets out a scream.

"Who the heck are you are why are you in Stark Tower?" I ask through clenched teeth, not wanting to death with another alien. The women in front of me is dressed like a Barbie doll and her face is smeared with Crayola or make-up at ladies call it.

Her eyes look into mind and they widen. I know she see the golden orbs and I now clearly scared out of her skirt.

"E-Elizabeth F-F-Finley." She trips over her words and my eyes narrow.

"What's your business in Stark Tower?" I ask her and then toy with the gun in my hands making her nervous.

"I'm here to v-visit my b-b-boyfriend." She says and I raise a confused eyebrow.

"Who?" I ask and watch her swallow while trying not to look me in the eye.

"B-Bucky." She stumbles and now both my eyebrows raise up across my eyebrow.

"Well this is something new." I say looking around the group and Bucky who looking guilty. "Well then, go visit." I say walking past her with my bags, letting Bucky's hand go and tucking the gun into the back of my jeans.

"Wait!" I stop and slightly turn my head. "Who are you?" She asks and I turn to her.

"My life's been pretty much a blur. Highs and lows, mostly lows. Anyway, some people know me as Emily Andrews, others know me as Emily Stark and the world knows me as The Vibranium Soldier." I see her eyes widen because I was supposed to be dead to the world.

"I thought you were dead." She calls after me.

"Instead I get six months of torture from a super villain." I call back and round a corner and out of their sight. I notice a vent on the ceiling and I jump up, swinging it open and hopping in. Looks like they upgraded the vent openings. I hear footsteps turn the corner and I decide to listen in.

"You're in trouble now, Fawn." I hear Clint laugh and then a slap on the back of the head. I would've laughed if I didn't feel like crap right now.

"Bucky, did you like just dumb her after a week." Steve asks and I don't hear a response. He must've nodded or shaken his head. I hear footsteps retreating and I sigh, realizing I haven't sang in a while. A song comes to mind and I begin humming.

I can hold my breath

I can bite my tongue

I can stay awake for days

if that's what you want

be your number one

I can fake a smile

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