7.FLOWE- Tiny?

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Taking a morning walk with his mom would have been nice for 6-year-old Jin if she wasn't constantly comparing him to the other kids of her friends who could multiply, add small numbers, and do other advanced things. 

Don't get me wrong, Jin was talented and grasped things quickly but not in the way his mom wanted, Jin was emotionally mature for a 6-year-old, had good nature, and rarely threw tantrums. All he wanted was to look at everything around him and play like a normal 6-year-old, be fascinated by butterflies swooping around and hold the cat's tails and probably get a scratch or two from it. 

 As soon as his mother started talking to her other rich friends Jin quietly sneaked away behind some bushes and ran as fast as he could on his little feet to another part of the park where the flowers were in constant bloom, plenty of trees to sleep and climb on and the grass was lush and dark enough to hide in if needed. 

Reaching his happy place Jin's face twists into a happy smile, his little teeth peeking out and eyes closing tightly to feel the breeze that swept past his short and trim black hair making it messy which would anger Mrs. Kim later, but first, he wanted to make the most out of his little escapade.

Leaning on a small tree Jin takes out some candy he had sneaked from the cook, he had made sure to pick the ones which were colorless because he had been punished with extra lines of ABC's the last time his mom found his tongue stained blue. 

Popping a lemon one in his mouth he happily sucks on it watching a mama bird feed her babies which were crying. A nearby butterfly that was collecting nectar from a flower flew over to Jin and sat on his nose making the 6-year-old crinkle his nose in amusement while his eyes lit up like the brightest star in the world. 

"You think Imma fower buwerfwy? Thank you! I know I'm beauti- beau- uh.. oh yes bootiful an hasum!!" little Seokjin exclaims trying hard to pronounce his words properly. But the 'buwerfwy' flew off his nose and started hovering over a white flower next to another tree somewhere a bit further from where Jin was sitting. 

Jin looks on confused as the butterfly hovers to and fro to him and the flower, after observing the strange actions of the butterfly Jin quickly gets the gist and walks over to the flower as slowly as he could trying not to upset anything that could be there. The butterfly landed carefully on a flower, which Jin would later recognize as a hawthorn lily, lightly as it could on the tip of the flower's petal trying not to disturb whatever was inside it. 

The flower was oddly big for the kind of flower it was but Jin didn't know about flowers then. He carefully peeks into the flower and sees a tiny baby doll swaddled in a cloth with a tiny note and with bright red hair like a cherry, round eyes widening even more Jin's curiosity gets the better of him as he gently rolls the 'doll' into his little hands. 

The 'doll' suddenly squeals like a real baby making poor Jin almost drop him surprised by the unexpected sound, guess the doll wasn't a doll after all. Thankfully the tiny baby which was the size of Jin's palm fell in one of Jin's large pockets and was unharmed despite the little muffled squeals. 

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