26.The End of the Beginning Pt.1

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Eyes filled with determination Taehyung puts himself between the elf and the fairy who was casting the spell and uses his own power to create a force field around both him and the elf. 

"Taehyung?" Jimin asks filled with surprise and shock, "Questions and explanations later, what power can you use now?!" Tae fires back as his eyes glow blue using all his force to strengthen the force field which is being attacked by two more fairies from Althea. 

"I-... I can't use any.... But I can fight with a sword." Jimin utters hopefully. "Gah, no use then. TANIA! PLAN D!" Taehyung shouts orders to Tania who immediately understands and looks around, half the crowd had already come to their senses and ran for their lives while the others were in the middle of running away, taking videos or waiting with their mouths open for something to crash on them and hope a KDrama main lead pushed them out of the way. 

She takes a moment to roll her eyes at them and turns to face Jungkook in front of Jin and Namjoon who were still holding hands and Hobi and Yoongi behind them who had grabbed one of the light stands and had swung at a few of the elves. 

"Whats plan D?" Namjoon asks Tania as Jimin asks the same to Taehyung. 

"DUCK AND RUN IDIOTS!! DUCK AND RUN!!" Taehyung shouts as he lowers his force field and Tania shoots a purple blast that came from her hands at the Altheans as Tae grabs Jimin's arm and drags him along as he runs to the others making them go behind the backstage where there was a clearing near the lake. 

"What on earth is going on?" Yoongi asks Jimin, "I- I don't know." Jimin says quietly his voice quivering slightly, "Let's talk about everything later, or else there's a chance we'll all probably die now. Tania can only hold back a bit and she needs our help, Jungkook you are a fairy. No no don't try to deny it, I know the truth. Focus on all your energy coming to the center of your palms and you can shoot blasts, do you get that? 

And you, Hoseok. I know you aren't an ordinary human so do whatever you can cause I sense something else is going to happen, so be on guard and protect the others." Taehyung gives orders to the shocked others who didn't expect him to know the information he just let out now. 

"Stop gawking get going!!" Taehyung shouts again which makes the others get on with the plan as Tania comes out the backstage unable to hold back by herself anymore. While Taehyung and Tania are together holding back the Althean Army, Jungkook does his best to focus on gathering his energy to shoot out from his palms after observing what the two aliens were doing. 

Hoseok was guiding the others to safety with Namjoon leading them out of harm's way while Hoseok ran behind them with a huge wall-like structure behind him protecting the others from any attacks. Jimin despite running away cannot help but look back at the blue-haired boy and purple-haired girl who so readily were able to help him. 

Questions again filled his mind with each hurried step he took, 'Who really are they?', 'Can he trust them?' 

'What sort of powers are they? Looks slightly like Terran powers. But how? Weren't they all gone?'. 

He decided to note the number of powers both of them had, Tania had two, he observed as she shapeshifted in a flash as one of the elves she was fighting and managed to cause confusion among the elves she was fighting, the other was the ability to create different types of explosions. 

Taehyung was only using one power, Jimin noted from the things he saw while he looked back momentarily. It was manipulation of energy, he shot beams of energy at them trying his best to not damage the surroundings, he shaped them into a bow and arrow and shot a few arrows at the fairies and elves who were trying to catch up with those who were running away. 

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