Winter Gliff Training (A Owl House One Shot) Day 2

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        The air was crisp and cool in the Boiling Isles, Amity could feel the tips of her pointy ears going numb in the breeze. She turned around, realizing Luz was falling behind, due to the harsh winds.

        "Come on. Up up!" Amity grabbed her girl friend's hand, helping her off her knees and through the winds. They were going out to the mountains to train, find different ways to use the gliffs in harsher weather conditions.

        "Thank you, Amity! Wow, you have such great knee strength. How are you holding up this well." Amity chuckled at her partner's slight babbling in the wind. "Well, I like to think of this as part of my training. If I can't walk in the wind, how can I run again monsters or fight on waves."

        Luz sighed, shivering, "I still need to work on that." They both giggle slightly, Amity gripping on more to Luz's back and shoulder. "And that's okay, but for now, I've got you. You'll never be unsafe with me."  Luz took the opportunity to snuggle into her girlfriend as they walked up to the cave at the top of the mountain.

        They walked in, quietly, Luz lighting a light gliff so that they could see around them. There was markings and pictures on the walls from what they assumed to be wild witches from before Belos took over. There was pictures of the four gliffs scrawled on the wall as well as illustrations of what seemed to be old witch traditions. They depicted happy celebration.

        "How old do you suspect they are?" Luz asked. "At least 50 years, since that's when the Emperor took over. I would suspect about 65, telling from the way the rock is formed around the shape." Luz lit a fire gliff to stay a bit warmer, "Wow! It's so cool that you're able to tell something like that! And that means that we were right. There are no more than 4 gliffs according to this cave. I wonder if these pictures can reveal how I can make and control an abomination without a bile sack!"

        "Well, there's only one way to find out, let's go deeper in the cave. I'll provide most of the light so you dont waste your gliff papers." And so the two headed off into the cave. They continued walked about a mile in when they heard a loud uproar of noise near by. They sneakily sped towards it, ducking behind a near by rock. There, they saw The Golden Guard and about 12 henchmen  tearing apart the cave.

        "Hey, Golden Guard! We should probably, head more west. This part is dangerous and obviously Belos' prizes are not in this part of the cave." The Golden Guard, who had a new identical uniform, pondered for a moment. "I see your point, but I also don't want to rule out this area any more. I and 8 other guards will continue down the cave, the other 4 will stay here and continue searching for anything. You'll be finished when we come back through the cave and come to get you."

        The two girls waited for Hunter and the other 8 guards to leave, leaving them with 4 guards to watch who didn't seem to try to look for whatever they were. 

        "Amity," Luz began in a whisper, "We should take out these four and follow Hunter. These caves are full of wild witch memorabilia. There is nothing good in here that Belos can use." Amity shook her head and mustered a breath. They both jump out from behind the rock, knocking out the 4 guards with almost no effort.

        The two sprang a head, following the Golden Guard, but through the cave, the two missed a pit and fell in, making too much noise going down. "What? Who's there?" The Golden Guard made a quick turn, making direct eye contact with the youngest Blight child. 

        "What in the world are you two doing here? I thought you both were basically dead after I took the key!" They both looked at each other in shock.

        "I brought Luz here to practice magic. What are you doing here?" "That's none of your business! It's classified information. Now go!" Luz stood up, "Not without a fight!" Amity didn't completely agree, but she couldn't let her girlfriend go without her, so she ran after the Golden Guard Who continued down the path. The guards, who stayed silent up until now, started running after the three of them.

        "Golden Guard! Be careful! It's dangerous up here!" Hunter couldn't hear what they said, just focusing on running. Running so fast, in fact, he ran straight into a wall and got crushed by the rocks collapsing onto him. He was knocked out, so the remaining guards went to help him, giving Luz and Amity a chance to escape.  

         The two ladies made it out of the cave and stopped to catch their breath. The sun was setting and the snow left a nice glaze on the land. They took the time time to lay in the snow and enjoy the sunset. They didn't get much of a chance to practice, but they didn't care. They had each other and the comfort of the snow, and that's all they needed for the time.

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