Blue's Christmas Gift (A Blue's Clues shot) Day 6

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        Blue was getting ready for the holidays, using her paw print to stamp Christmas cards to send out to all her friends. Just then, Steve walked into the room asking Blue what she wanted for Christmas. Of course, Blue couldn't talk, so she jumped up, stamping her paw to mark a new game of "Blue's Clues"! She ran off, leaving Steve to find her and solve the mystery.

        He walked into the kitchen, to meet up with Mr.Salt, Mrs.Pepper, and Paprika. They were making Christmas cookies. Before Steve could continue, he needs to put the right colors on the ornaments of the Christmas tree cookies. The first one had red ornaments, the second had blue, and the third had orange. Once walking away from the three, Steve found his first clue on a ball of yard outside of the kitchen. He wrote it down in his note book.

        He then walked over to the playroom where he caught Blue for just a second, ska-dooing into a near-by book. So, what else can Steve do, but follow her? Steve ska-dooed into a living room scene. They needed help counting marshmallows to put into their hot chocolate. One little kitty wanted 4 marshmallows that were shaped as squares and a bull dog wanted a hot chocolate with 6 marshmallows shaped like triangles. When Steve turned around, he found Blue has already left, but a clue being left on the fire place. The second clue was fire or warmth! Steve drew a fire in his notebook and continued on his way out of the story book. 

        Steve walked around a bit more, looking for Blue, when he came across his own bedroom. There was a noise coming from below the bed. Steve looked under to find 2 dust bunnies. "No, it's MY turn!" one said, "No! It's MY turn!" Steve furred his brow. "Hey guys, what seems to be the issue here?" The first dust bunnies spoke up, "It is MY turn to play with the toy car and they're not letting me play with it!" The other piped up, "But he got to play with it yesterday and it's my turn." Steve turned to the camera, "Hey, friend. What do we do when there is one thing that more than one person wants." A couple kids yelled from off screen, "Sharing!" Steve smiled, "That's right! Dust bunnies, why don't you guys share or take turns with the car. Like, one of you can ride the car, the other can push and then you guys can flip." The dust bunnies liked that idea and went about their day. Steve stood up and found the final clue on the bed. 

        "Quickly! To the thinking chair!" Steve met Blue at the thinking chair as he pulled out the three clues. Some yarn, warmth, and a bed. Soon, Steve put together that Blue wanted a blanket to keep warm while in bed! So, later on that day, Steve went to the shop and got a pretty yellow blanket for Blue to use, he knew she would love it. When Blue got it, she loved it and curled up in it immediately. They couldn't have done this without you, thanks friend!

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